Sunday, August 29, 2010
Taylor has been doing well. She is enjoying riding her horse (Lady) everytime she can. She is doing well with the new school year. She is currently being home school and misses her friends at school. She hopes to see them at school soon.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Taylor has continued to work hard on her health. She still has seen no change in her physical ability but she has stayed in good health and avoided the flu season so far. Doctor's are concerned with her weight gain however she has continued to make progress. Her doctor's orders are to eat and drink foods with as many calories as she can find. She can enjoy as much sweets as she wants. Ice Cream makes her happy. She is looking forward to trick or treating and scaring people as a ghost this year. She works very hard at her school studies and is enjoying the school year. She has proven to be an excellent speller.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Taylor has enjoyed the break from school. She continues to keep a busy schedule with therapy and other necessary activities. She enjoyes her time in the pool. It has been a nice break from the hot summer. She has continued to have a strong appetite. All is contributing to her health. She has had fun watching her brother play the wii and baseball. She is still his big sister telling him what to do. Even when he doesn't take direction well. She has made it a goal of hers to work towards having the ability to remove her trach and only rely on her pacer to breath. Although she continues to use the ventilator at night she has been making improvements and becoming less dependent on it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Taylor has been doing well. She is looking forward to her summer break. She continues to work on her physical therapy. Taylor would rather be outside enjoying the sun but she knows it is necessary to have a chance to get better. Last week was her open house at school. She got to play the part of the narrator because of her great reading skills. She did an excellent job. This weekend she enjoyed her time at the neighborhood block party.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Taylor had a great Easter weekend. After having all of last week off of school she was well reared and enjoyed her weekend. On Saturday she went to her dad's house and celebrated her 8th birthday with family and friends. She got to do a lot of crafts and watch her brother play baseball at the park. Later she rode one of her horses with Grandma Judy. She had fun. And now is back to school.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Taylor has had a rough couple of weeks. She got the bug while at the coast and has had to miss school and stay on the ventilator during the day. She had more secretions and was running a fever. This was compounded by the fact that she was not drinking her fluids well. She has been feeling better now and started going back to school at the end of the week.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009

Taylor has been doing well. She recently went for a checkup at the doctor and they were very impressed at how she was doing. She has not been back in the hospital since she left. This is really uncommon with an injury like hers. She continues to keep up with her grulling schedule of going to school and keeping up with he physical therapy. She has been doing well at both. We continue to watch the advances in science and hope that if she is unable to get movement back on her own that science can help. For now she is focused on having fun. She gets a kick out of her crazy brother and really enjoyed laughing at him while he made his first attempts on rollerskates. She has been becoming quite the artist. Making pictures with Grandma and doing puzzles with dad, even drawing elaborate drawings with her mom. She has been playing a game called "stare" where you focus on a card then answer questions about it. She continues to be the champ. She has also been using her computer more. She uses it mostly for school, playing games and checking the Internet (even her blog). Thanks for thinking of her and checking in.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Taylor has continued to work hard at her therapy. She is back in school now and is doing well. Being the sun worshiper that she is she is enjoying the spring like days and the sunshine that comes with it. She has been told by Grandma Judy that we need the rain and Taylor said that she will ask for some rain and then some more sun. Taylor is showing off the balloon animal dog that her Dad just learned how to make for her.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Taylor has had a wonderful Christmas. Santa was good to her and her little brother. She got lots of craft things to do and plenty of games to play. She got a horse that she needs to paint and she has been thinking about how she wants to paint the horse. She has enjoyed spending all of her time with her family. Taylor is also enjoying the time away from school. It has allowed her more time with her friends. She has battled with a cold and has done well. It was difficult for her since her lungs were getting congested and she had to continue to have suction done on her airways. Now she his done with that and is looking forward to the rest of her break. She is hoping to go visit her horse and possibly go on a ride for the new year.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Taylor has been doing well since the last blog. She has continued with her diligent physical therapy regiment and continues to stay focused and do well in school. She recently got a "stander" that helps her stand and keeps her body used to the standing position and loosens her muscles in her feet sot that they don't get atrophied. She has been seen on a horse quite a bit since the last blog. She has been riding Lady with Granma Judy at Grandma's ranch. Taylor has enjoyed the many holidays since the last blog. Haloween came and she was a very beautiful princess. during Thanksgiving she was as frustrated as everyone when she assisted in putting together a 500 piece puzzle of the New York skyline that her dad got her during his recent trip. Taylor is looking forward to Christmas. She asked Santa for a Snow Globe the other day during a trip to the mall. She has had some increased freedom now that she has been using her power wheelchair more often. She has been spotted on trips to the mailbox and back during the day.
Sorry that it has been a while since the last update. We greatly appreciate everyone who continues to check the site and send Taylor "well wishes" through the blog. Thank you all.
Sorry that it has been a while since the last update. We greatly appreciate everyone who continues to check the site and send Taylor "well wishes" through the blog. Thank you all.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Taylor had a busy week last week. On Thursday of week before last, she spent all day picking out halters for her horses and then picking out jewels with which to bling them up. She then went to her local park with several of her close supporters, family members, and spent the rest of the day decorating the halters. It took approximately 6 hours for us to decide shapes, colors and locations to get the jewels installed and the halters turned out perfect. We then had to take them both back to the house and try both halters on Blackie as Lady was out of the area. We took several pictures of Blackie wearing the halters and some pictures of Taylor wearing her masterpieces as well. It was a great day with much accomplished. Then on the following Monday Taylor ventured down to Williams to check out how Lady's halter would look on her. It was beautiful. Taylor had picked a light blue halter for Lady because as most of us are aware Lady has one baby blue eye and the halter was a perfect match. It was all decorated in light colored jewels and looked gorgeous on her. In the meantime, Grandpa showed up and decided Lady needed new shoes so he proceeded to shoe her with Taylor making sure to supervise every moment if the process. Lots of questions and wondering how you can drive nails in her foot and not hurt but Lady didn't jerk her foot away so we decided that it must not hurt! Then, to all of our surprise, when Lady was done getting her new shoes on Taylor decided she wanted to ride. Boy, did she want to ride. We saddled up about noon and rode until about 4 pm. No breaks in between and speeding up the pace every few minutes. We trotted in circles and trotted around the barrels and it was only because her pilot was a little leary that she was held back from loping. Lady is extremely out of shape and a little pregnant so Taylor would let her rest a few minutes every once in a while. Taylor's cousin was here and on another horse with Taylor's Uncle Ryan so that was enough to spark on a friendly competition and the race was on. To the end of the barn and back as fast as we could trot. Taylor was thrilled and her love of her horses was shining through again. Then, two days later she was back for a couple more hours and has plans to make this a regular activity until she has to go back to school. There is a spirit here that just can't be stopped and we wanted you to know how your thoughts and prayers are helping and hope they continue to help her along. She hasn't regained much use yet but with this kind of spirit, we all have to believe that something will make the future even better. Thanks again for all your support and I am going to try to attach some pictures to show just how spunky she remains.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We apolagize for not updating the site more regularly. Life has continued to go on and Taylor has been staying busy. She has been doing well. Taylor continues to worship the sun and has a great summer tan going now. Taylor reluctantly is going to summer school. She has some ground to make up in reading and math. The math has been a challenge due to the fact that she can't use her fingers to count like the other kids. All in all she does very well. She has been spending more time in her electric power chair. She is getting used to the chair and is starting to master it. She is only using it around the house and has not braved using it in public yet. Taylor took another trip on her favorite horse Blackie the other day with her dad on Father's Day. It was a great present. She sat on him and road Blackie around the pasture. Taylor has been able to beat the heat this summer by going to the movies, most recently "Kung Fu Panda", she has also been making crafts for her friends. Her favorite thing to make is necklacies.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Taylor has been doing well lately. She is going to school and doing great with her school work. Her allergies have calmed a little and she has had less trouble breathing lately.
Recently she got to go back stage and meet Taylor Swift at her concert in Sacramento. She had so much fun and is now one of Taylor Swift's biggest fans. Her brother says that Taylor Swift is his new girlfriend.
Taylor is still working hard on the bike every morning and is using her strong will to continue to try to get better.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Taylor has had a rough couple of weeks. She had some difficulty breathing. She has started to do breathing treatments again and has spent a lot of time on the ventilator. Taylor missed many days of school and was fortunate that Easter break fell during this inconvenience so that she did not miss to much school. Her breathing is getting better. She is still doing breathing treatments however she started to go back to school this week after Easter break.
She had a great Easter. She found more eggs than her brother which she did not let him forget. She got out and enjoyed the beautiful weekend.
Her birthday is Sunday. She will be turning 7. She has asked to go to Chuck E Cheese. She also wants to go to see the new movie "Horton".
She still talks about going to see Taylor Swift in April. She has even got her brother singing most of Taylor's songs.
She had a great Easter. She found more eggs than her brother which she did not let him forget. She got out and enjoyed the beautiful weekend.
Her birthday is Sunday. She will be turning 7. She has asked to go to Chuck E Cheese. She also wants to go to see the new movie "Horton".
She still talks about going to see Taylor Swift in April. She has even got her brother singing most of Taylor's songs.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Taylor has continued to stay busy. She has had a couple of days of skipping school as she wasn't feeling real well. She had the beginnings of a cold so took a day or two to shake it off and will head back to school on Monday. She continues to keep a very positive attitude as always. The other day her brother decided that he would be a ghost so he threw a blanket over his head and proceeded to make ghostly sounds. He was quite the spook and we enjoyed his antics but he soon moved on to other things. Taylor felt inspired to then be the ghost. We threw the blanket over her head and chair and rolled up behind him and made a big ghostly howl that definitely got his attention. She continues to make the small things fun. She got to go see princesses on Ice at Arco Arena. She really enjoyed the show and she met up with some friends there as well. Her friend's mom was kind enough to take some really great pictures of the princesses skating as well as pictures of Taylor with her family and Taylor with her friends and put them all into a really great scrapbook for happy reminders of her day. She really enjoyed getting to see the pictures. Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers as Taylor works toward progress with every day.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Taylor has had a good week. Being the sun worshiper that she is she is really liking the sunshine this week. She has a bad case of "spring fever". Taylor is about two weeks from going back to see the doctors to get an update on how she is progressing with her breating. Her bedroom got a new paint job and she has opted to go with a princess motiefe in the room. She also liked the "Cars" movie decor in her brothers room but thought that the princesses was more her speed. Her Taylor Swift calendar is front and center in her room. She received a care package from Taylor with a calender, shirts and her signature leather "love" bracelet. She asked that the bracelet be put on her chair. She is still very excited about the opportunity to meet Taylor Swift when she comes to Sacramento in April.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A lot has happened since Taylor's last blog. Taylor went to visit her doctor in Sacramento and got a check up. They continue to be impressed with how well she is doing. She is breathing strong and looking good. Last weekend she had a great time at Disney's princesses on ice. She enjoyed all of the princesses however she said Arial was her favorite. Taylor got a kick out of watching her little brother hit baseballs from his pitching machine. She also got a tremendous surprise on Wednesday night when she got a special call from country music star Taylor Swift. Although she was a little shy and speechless she was very excited by the call and felt very honored. Taylor is a huge Taylor Swift fan. Her favorite song is "Teardrops on My Guitar".
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Taylor had a great weekend. She and some of her classmates from school had a Valentines party. She had a great time. She has a big week in store for her. She has a doctor visit in Sacramento where the doctors will check her for any progress and see how she is doing. Her family thinks she is doing very well. She is looking great and having a good time. This week she rubbed her chin raw on her ventilator hose one night so for now she has a sore that she is taking care of. She said that she had an itch and needed to scratch it. This week she also plans to go to Princesses on Ice in Sacramento. She is going to do a lot of traveling this week. Thanks for checking in.
Friday, February 1, 2008
As I mentioned in the last update, Taylor made the trip to Red Bluff to watch her Uncle Cody in his high school rodeo. What I forgot to mention was how COLD it was. We watched for a while and then when there was an event Uncle Cody wasn't in, we snuck out to the horse trailer and got in the living quarters where the heater was cranked up pretty high. Just when we were about to get thawed out, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Mindy and their friend Chris showed up. They had been skiing at Mt Shasta and had decided to bring a pickup bed load of snow home with them. Tanner right away was up for a snowball fight. Taylor had to make sure she didn't miss any of the action. So back out in the cold we went and she watched Tanner get snowballs smashed on his head and dribbled down his jeans. He got in some pretty good shots of his own. She got a little nervous when people tried to use her as a shield when Tanner was on the attack. She laughed alot at all the antics. It just added to a funfilled day. She is still working hard to keep her breathing improving. The nurses say it is remarkable that she doesn't need breathing treatments so we are all hopeful that this is a good sign. As we said before, we will know more after her next doctor visit. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate every one!!!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Taylor has a good time this month. She enjoyed the break from school, however she is glad to be back with her friends and Malinda who accompanies her to her classes. She is doing very well. Last weekend she got to go and watch her uncle at the high school rodeo in Red Bluff. She really enjoyed it and stayed much longer than she originally expected. Then on Monday she went shopping with her mom and had a girls shopping day. She continues to stay active on her bike and work to get better. She goes for another doctor's visit in February and hopefully we will see continued progress in the recovery of her ability to work her diaphram on her own.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Taylor had a busy Christmas break. She of course enjoyed decorating her family tree and all the presents, both hers and watching everyone else get theirs. She made a long trip to Redding to watch her Uncle Cody play in a basketball tournament. She arrived just as his game ended but was excited to hang around and watch the following game which was a game played by two girl teams. She enjoyed comparing the height of the girls that were playing in comparison to her uncle's height. He is pretty tall but some of those girls made him look kind of small. She stayed through the whole next game and part of the following game to make for a very full day. She went to a craft class the next day. Her creation had to be "fired" so she wasn't able to pick it up for a week so she was patiently waiting for that. She is getting much more adventuresome every day. She is wanting to be more involved and out doing more things all the time. Her lungs seem to be staying a little cleaner which makes her feel much more comfortable to be more active. She stood (was helped to stand) next to her Uncle Cody so she could look at herself and Cody in the mirror to see how TALL she is getting. She comes way up there on Uncle Cody and makes sure he is aware of that. She has also been working really hard on strengthening her neck muscles. She can actually go in her wheelchair without the headrest on it now as she has developed her neck muscles quite a bit. She got some really neat stuff for Christmas. She got a hair coloring set and a beading set. She really wanted to color hair but since there was no power that day and therefore no water to wash our hair with we opted for stringing some beads instead. She picked out some great colors and shapes and created herself a beautiful ring. She also watched everyone play with her brother's batting machine ducking every time the ball was hit. Really used those neck muscles one more time. NO balls came in our direction but it seems to be an inherited automatic reflex when we hear a ball hit! She had a very fun two weeks and is anxious to get back to school to share her stories. As always, her attitude and positive approach to every day makes every one around her rise to a better level. Happy New Year to you all and as always, Thank you for all your support.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Taylor seems to be enjoying her school break. Her days are still filled with plenty of work, riding her bike, keeping her brother busy helping her to work on her computer at home, thinking of things she wants to get people for Christmas and thinking of things people can give her for Christmas. Always the thinker. She had one more person trained in her care last week so that she can go visit them by herself. She was extremely helpful and thoughtful during the training process. In order for her to be able to visit with someone without her mom, dad or nurse along the person needs to be trained to change her trach in the case of an emergency. This is a procedure Taylor has done on a scheduled basis every couple of weeeks and during this change a new person was broken in. At the end Taylor reassured them that they had done a great job. She also told them that she could tell they were nervous so she purposely didn't tense up to help them out. Who is the grownup here anyway??? What a great trooper. I've known it all along but she just keeps reaffirming the fact. Taylor wants to wish everyone a VERY, MERRY CHRISTMAS and Thank all of you again for your thoughts and prayers and especially thank you for all the spiritual and verbal HUGS!!!! Her strength is amazing and our hopes for her are strong. Thank you all!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Taylor's soar on her back was completely heeled this week. This allowed her to get around much better in her chair. She had a good week at school and is still doing well. This week was short due to parent teacher conferences. Taylor has been doing great in school and got a great report excelling in all areas. She has been using a computer to assist her at school and she is getting much better using it. She also went to the movies this week with her brother and her friend Avery. They say "Fred Claus". She also got a white fish for her room because she has been helping the nurses complete her care with little resistance. She named the fish "Snowflake".
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Taylor had a great Thanksgiving weekend. She got to visit with one of her favorite horses (Blackie). He was tricked into giving her kisses on the head with raisins. She says that she continues to try to move her arms and legs. Although it hasn't happened yet she is confident that someday she will. We are excited about the new prospects of stem cell research. We know that someday there is hope that she will walk again. Taylor now has her sights set on the Holidays
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Taylor has had a rough week. She has developed a sore on her back. This means that she has to constantly lay on her side to give the sore time to heal. This makes it difficult for her to get around since she should not sit in her chair until the sore heals. She had the whole week off of school and was unable to go enjoy it. The good thing is she did not miss any school because of it. She has been doing very well in school and has been getting 100% on all of her spelling tests. She recently got fitted for her new powerchair. She is getting more used to the idea of using it in the future. She is looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday with her family. She really likes the stuffing. Happy Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Taylor had a good week this week. She continues to ride the bike and she says that she keeps trying to move her arms and legs. She remains confident that if she keeps trying someday they will move. She got more sleep this week which made her days at school better. On Friday she had a birthday arty to go to for her friend Avery. Taylor really loved the fact that she had it at Ben & Jerry's. Her favorite ice cream is vanilla with chocolate syrup. This weekend she went with her family to see the "Bee Movie". She thought that it was hilarious. Taylor said that her favorite part was when Barry became a polinator bee. Her second favorite was when the bees got under the plane and landed it. She continues to try to breath and cough more on her own. Her cough is getting stronger and she needs less assistance from the bag to help her cough. She continues to use it to give her comfort. She likes being on the ventilator and really wants to use it until she gets distracted and is having a good time then she forgets about it. She sat through the whole movie smiling without the need to be bagged or suctioned the whole time. Above is her most recent school picture. A lot has changed in a year in her life but she still has the same great smile.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Taylor had a week of ups and downs. She did not sleep well most of the nights this week. Despite that she still went to school each day and did her work. She dressed up as "Gabriella" from "High School Musical" for Haloween. The picture is of her at her first "Trick or Treat" house. She enjoyed the trick or treating and got a lot of candy. Her and her brother also went to "Spookefest" in Durham and played the games and watched the activities on stage. She saw some of her friends that she used to ride her horse with. Taylor also wone some brownies in the cake walk game.
On Saturday she went with her family to see "High School Musical on Ice" in Sacramento. She did not know where she was going and was very pleased by the surprise. She had a great Saturday and really enjoyed the show.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Taylor had a great week. She has been getting used to her new nurses. She continues to strugle to get a good night sleep. The good news is that when she is up during the night she eats more. This has helped her put on more weight which is great. She went on a field trip with her classmates this week to a recycling facility in Chico. She had a good time. She also went to the doctors in Sacramento at Shriner's. She got some great news. Each time she has gone back they test her diaphram to see if it is functioning better without the pacer. This time she had more movement on the left side of her diaphram than she did last time. That is a positive sign as she continues to try to strengthen her cough on her own. She is looking forward to Haloween and all of the trick or treating candy that she will get.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Taylor did well this week. She has gotten more familiar with her new computer at school that allows her to control it. She is coming home each day with art that she made on the computer. She is getting really good at signing her name on it. She decided that she is going to be Gabriela from the movie "High School Musical 2" for Haloween this year. She is excited to go trick or treating. Taylor continues to be diligent about riding her bike in the morning before school. We really admire her strength. It is tough for her to sleep at night and to start her routine each day at 5:30 or 6 and go allday with her attitued is amazing. She went to Shriner's for a check up and they are pleased with the progress that she is making. She continues to gain weight. She is looking great. This is good since she had school pictures last Wednesday. Her and her brother carved their pumkins with their friends Madison and Massey. The other kids helped Taylor with her pumkins taking direction and carving it like she said. She was very pleased with the job they did.
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sorry it has been so long since the update on this blog. Many of you still show great support for Taylor and ask how she is doing. With help from additional family we will keep updating this site. We will do weekly updates on Sunday or Monday each week if not more frequent. If you know of people who have given up on the site please have them start looking at it again.
Taylor had done remarkably well since our last blog. She has started school and is assisted by Malinda each day in class. She is back at her old school and is getting reaquainted with her old friends as well as some new ones. She does very well at her school work and has recently learned the whole "Pledge of Alligence". She is doing addition and subtraction in math and is reading at a third grade level. Taylor has also made some longer trips. On Labor Day weekend she went to her dad and now step mom's wedding in Carmel, CA. Was able to go with two of her nurses Lisa and Melinda. She enjoyed the weekend and really liked seeing the ocean. She was one of the flower girls in the wedding. Taylor has also gotten back on a horse since the last blog. She recently went to a Rodeo where she cheered for her Dad, Uncles, and Grandpa.
She continues to work hard at regaining motion in her arms and legs. Taylor has been doing well riding her special bike everyday. She missed some days due to her being sick but she does her best always. Her recent checkup at the doctor went well and she continues to impress them.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sorry it has been some time since the last update. Our family has settled into our daily routine and unfortunatly sometimes we forget the website. We are well aware that you still like to get updates on Taylor and know how she is doing. We will continue to update Taylor's site periodicaly.
She continues to do well. She is requiring less breathing treatments throughout the day. Her anxiety is less and less each day. She is getting closer and closer to the start of school. She will start on August 20th at her old school. She enjoyes sitting on the porch and watching cars go by and taking naps in the sun. Her brother Tanner is a constant source of entertainment for her and is always there to help her out. She is getting more comfortable letting him help. She is getting better on the go and is getting out on trips more.
She continues to do well. She is requiring less breathing treatments throughout the day. Her anxiety is less and less each day. She is getting closer and closer to the start of school. She will start on August 20th at her old school. She enjoyes sitting on the porch and watching cars go by and taking naps in the sun. Her brother Tanner is a constant source of entertainment for her and is always there to help her out. She is getting more comfortable letting him help. She is getting better on the go and is getting out on trips more.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Taylor has been continuing to work to get better. She is on her bike everyday and she does all that is asked of her by her family and nurses. She continues to have sensation throughout her body. We are hopeful that that turns into some movement in the future. Her spasms have been getting better. She is having less of them and is getting to where she can feel them coming.
She had a great Christmas and got many nice gifts. The neighborhood put up lights to allow Taylor to have Christmas in July.
She is getting easier at going through her day to day activities and has liked being close to her horses. She got to see them last weekend and feed them cookies. She supervised the braiding of their mane and tails. She wanted to make sure they were done right. She continues to read your comments on the blog and through emails. She has been sporadic at viewing them and responding. She enjoys them.
She had a great Christmas and got many nice gifts. The neighborhood put up lights to allow Taylor to have Christmas in July.
She is getting easier at going through her day to day activities and has liked being close to her horses. She got to see them last weekend and feed them cookies. She supervised the braiding of their mane and tails. She wanted to make sure they were done right. She continues to read your comments on the blog and through emails. She has been sporadic at viewing them and responding. She enjoys them.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Taylor has been doing well in her day to day activities. She celebrated Christmas last Sunday. She enjoyed her presents and she felt that it was long overdue. Her Brother also had his birthday this week and is now 3 years old. She still thinks he is crazy. Taylor's color is looking better the more that she gets out and she is asking to be bagged and suctioned less now. Yesterday she showed some improvements in her ability to use the muscles in her stomach. She was able to lift her head and shoulders off of her bed using her stomach muscles. She continues to ride her bike and work hard to try to improve and get better.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Taylor has been having better days recently. She went to a birthday party last weekend and had a great time. She continues to remain in great spirits and is more often than not seen with a smile on her face. She is eager to see her horses again now that they have moved from Grandma's house to her house in Chico. She says that she will ride Blackie with help from her dad very soon. Her appetite has continued to improve and she is doing her exercises. She is also trying new things to try and regain some movement. She went to get some acupuncture to see if that helps. This weekend she will be celebrating Christmas and has a tree full of presents in her living room.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
We are sorry for the length of time since the last update. Things have been rather hectic getting Taylor all set up. Taylor is still continuing to get more comfortable with her day to day life at home. She has her ups and downs with her routine. She is glad to be back with her horses and she wants to ride one of them soon when she feels comfortable enough to get on with someone. She has seen many of her friends come by and visit and she has also been strolled around the park numerous times however it is getting hotter now. She is going to birthday parties and seeing even more friends. Taylor is excited at the possability of going to her old school and being in the same class with so many of her old friends. As things get slowed down a little we will work to keep this site updated more frequently. Thank you for caring for Taylor.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Taylor has been getting along well. She has gotten used to her day to day activities. She has gone shopping and has picked out some very nice clothes. She has recently gone back to Shriner's to see how she is doing. She is doing fine. She has started to eat more and sleep better at night. Taylor has kept a positive attitude and is continuing to work on her recovery by riding the bike.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Taylor is still having a dificult adjustment to daily life. Chartwell who is handling her respritory equipment sent a representative today to review some of the equipment with her nurses. The are hopeful that with time Taylor will be able to breath on her own. This would help with some of the anxiety that Taylor is experiencing. It is still a long road ahead and Taylor must work hard to achieve that milestone. Taylor's family is hopeful that she will become more relaxed in her surroundings as time goes on. She has brought the therapy bike home with her and is starting back on it tomorrow.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Taylor has been having a rough time with the transition home. She is trying to get used to the new equipment and nurses. She is also still trying to get used to the life she now has at home. She has been getting out and trying to have fun. She went to the movies and saw "Shrek 3" with her brother and family. She enjoyed the movie and had a great time. She has been visiting with friends that stop by to see her and has enjoyed their company. She is still trying to get used to everything. Both Taylor and her family know that it is still a long road ahead.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Taylor enjoyed her first night home in over 6 months. She was excited to be home and even got out today and traveled around to see Chico again. She had a restful night and is very pleased to be back in her own room. Although she stopped by her dad's office and told him that she liked his office in Sacramento better. She will be slow in getting things back to normal. It is difficult for her to get out to much. When she is outside her secretions get worse and cause her to need more suctions. She has switched the cap on her trach to a closed cap to have her air go through the normal passages to filter the air. On her first night her nurse was Lisa who is a great friend of Taylor's. Taylor was surprised that Lisa stayed up all night at her bedside.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She was excited the whole day about her departure tomorrow. She went up to the ICU to say goodbye to many of the nurses that she met up there. She also had an endless string of people coming by to say goodbye to her in her room. There were a lot of pictures being taken and tears flowing. She will definatly be missed by the people in the hospital. Her family is working to have the bike follow her home. If not they will need to replace it with a new one. She has continued to be in great spirits and is working hard for recovery. Once home she will move at her own pace and get out when she can. She is hoping to see more of her friends and horses. She should be leaving early in the morning. Hopefully she sleeps well tonight given the excitement about tomorrow.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Taylor is another day closer to going home. She is very excited. She is missing her home, horses, friends and home cooking. She has been having more fun. Yesterday she went to a "fun day" event that they had planned here at the hospital. She got to see one of her new friends from Auburn who was here to visit. She was very excited to see her. Today she got out and went for longs strolls around the hospital neighborhood. She is still finding new things to do with the stuff in the hospital. She has been having a lot of fun with the suction tube.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
It has been a while since the last update and a lot has happened. Taylor has continued to improve and is now getting out of her hospital room. She has been cruising around the area and on Thursday went to her Grandma Judy's house and saw her horses. She got to watch her horses tail get braided. Things are getting setup in Chico for her return home. She is expected to go home this Tuesday. She is very excited to go home. She said that she will miss her nurses but not that much.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Taylor has had a boring couple of days. Due to the infection in her lungs she has been confined to her room on the ventilator. She has also had to be on a mister for most of the day to help loosen up the secretions in her lungs. She continues to work towards going home. She is hoping to be able to go home later this week. Today she got to get out of her room and celibrate mother's day with her family. She also got to see video of her benefit Barrell Race in Orland today and was very excited to watch her horse Lady run the barrels.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Taylor has had a interesting couple of days. She got to move back down to her room after the morning in ICU on Monday. She continued to struggle with her oxygen level and since then has been back to ICU once and had a procedure done with some anesthesia. She has continued to improve in her regular room and is now spending most of her time off of the ventilator.
On Tuesday she got a special visit from Sara. Sara came to visit Taylor and talk with her about exactly what Taylor is going through. Sara brought her service dog and talked with Taylor for a while. Taylor was very glad that Sara stopped by and hopes to see her again soon. Sara shares Taylor's love for horses.
Taylor is looking forward to watching her favorite horse Lady run the Barrels at her Barrell Race in Orland this weekend. She was promised a video tape of the run.
The doctors still say that none of the things that Taylor has experienced this week will prolong her return home. The family still has not been given an exact date and hopes to be going home soon.
On Tuesday she got a special visit from Sara. Sara came to visit Taylor and talk with her about exactly what Taylor is going through. Sara brought her service dog and talked with Taylor for a while. Taylor was very glad that Sara stopped by and hopes to see her again soon. Sara shares Taylor's love for horses.
Taylor is looking forward to watching her favorite horse Lady run the Barrels at her Barrell Race in Orland this weekend. She was promised a video tape of the run.
The doctors still say that none of the things that Taylor has experienced this week will prolong her return home. The family still has not been given an exact date and hopes to be going home soon.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Taylor's day did not go as planned. She got moved up to the ICU unit early this morning at 3 AM. She was not happy about the move and was wanting to get back to her old room. Her oxygen levels were low and the doctors were concerned about her levels dropping to far. After x rays they found that it was just secreations in her lungs that were causing her oxygen levels to drop. Later today she got moved back to her old room. She was upset that she was unable to go to her Grandma's ranch and see her horses. Hopefully she will get to go soon. The doctor's assured the family that this episode did not set back her expected departure for this month.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Taylor had a busy day today. She got a day pass to go see her family in Woodland. She was out of the hospital allday. She is very excited to take a trip to her Grandma's and see her horses on the ranch tomorrow. She is excited to see Blackie, Lady and many more. Her brother is going to go with her. The trips out of the hospital are fun, however they make her more eager to go home.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Taylor has had a very good couple of days. She has been venturing out of the hospital more in preperation for her return home. She has been visiting friends and family that live around Sacramento. She has enjoyed the freedom from the hospital. She is still doing her exercises in the morning before she goes and she has to be back to the hospital by 8 pm. She continues to get more and more anxous about her return home. She is very excited and does not want to spend any more time in the hospital than she has to. She is excited to see her horses more and get out. Tomorrow she plans to be out as well.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Taylor was in a great mood today. She was in her chair from 9 in the morning until 8 tonight. She did the bike and went to school. At school they tried to stump her with some of the things they taught her and were amazed when they could not stump her. Her teachers continue to be impressed at how advanced she is. She is really looking forward to going home. She says that everyday and is reminded that it won't be long.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Taylor was very greatful to all who sent their ice cream flavors to her. It created a lot more work for her on her school survey. She learned how to enter it on the computer and create a bar graph using excel. Taylor finally got to see her horses today. Blackie and Lady paid her a visit in the evening. She held a granola bar in her mouth and Blackie ate it out of her mouth. Then he gave her kisses on the cheeck. She went back to the hospital and did stamps in the recreation room. She had a good day.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Today was a big day for Taylor. She was granted a day pass and was allowed to leave the hospital without a nurse or a respritory therapist. She enjoyed the whole day at her aunt and uncles house in Woodland. She got to see her cousins and get out of the hospital. It really lifted her spirits. Tomorrow there is plans for her to see her horse for the first time since going into the hospital. She can't wait to see "Lady".
Friday, April 27, 2007
Taylor has had a busy couple of days. She continues to ride her bike and go to school. One of her school projects is to see what kind of ice cream people like. The choices are Vanila, Strawberry, Chocolate, and Other. If you want to participate please email her your favorite. She is one step closer to going home. After getting her case denied by Enloe for the 3rd straight request a company out of Sacramento has agreed to provide her with the ventilator equipment that she needs. She is hopeing to go home to Chico within 2 to 4 weeks.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Taylor slept good last night after her exhausting day at the zoo. Today she got outside in her chair. She has been getting tired of just seeing the same block over and over so she went to a new block to see the new scenery. She also spent more time on the bike today. It has done little to help her regain movement but it is helping her keep muscle mass. She spent little time on her new ventilator last night. She did not like it and they decided to try it another day.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She still had to ride the bike but she also got to go to the zoo. This was her first big trip out of the hospital since the accident. She did very well. She got to see the penguins, giraffe, monkeys, birds, and snakes. She really liked the penguins and giraffes. She later took a nap back at her room because the trip was exhausting. She had very little anxiety for her first trip in an automobile since the accident. Tonight she is switching to a different ventilator than she is used to. This one is more similar to the one she will go home with.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Taylor got up early this morning eager to get the day started. Due to the pressure soars on her back they have been more aggressive with turning her at night and she woke up during one of the turns at 4 am this morning. She still got out of her room and took a tour in the hospital due to the weather today. She is excited for tomorrow. The weather should be good and the hospital has arranged for her to take a trip to the Sacramento Zoo. She is excited to see the penguins that are currently at the zoo.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Taylor has had a tough but rewarding couple of days. Doctor's continue to watch her developing soars on her back. They are getting better and she is now spending more time in her chair. Taylor was eager to go to school and the bike today. She has started using her ventilator while on the bike. They are unable to change the settings on her pacer and when Taylor is riding the bike she needs larger breaths due to exercsion. The ventilator makes it more comfortable for her to use the bike. She is still being a trooper.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Taylor had a long day today. She did her usual routine that normally exhausts her however it was made more difficult by the fact that she was unable to talk today. Respritory speculates that there is some secretions that are not allowing her voicebox to function properly. This is making it to where Taylor is unable to talk. Needless to say this is very frustrating for her. Doctors seem to have little concern with it and believe that she will regain her voice very soon once the secretions have cleared. Her appetite continues to improve and she is working hare to take all of her fluids and food orally. She is still excited to be on track for an early May return to her home.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Taylor has been increasing her activity. Tonight she went across the street and had grilled cheese, bread and cake for dinner. Her appetite has recently increased, however she continues to struggle with trying to gain weight and has started to take more feeds through her stomach tube. She needs to keep her weight up to be able to return to Chico in May. Arrangements are being made for her return. Her nurses are coming to the hospital on Thursday to be trained in Taylor's care. She still has had success in breathing all day off of the ventilator with just the assistance of the phrenic pacer.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Taylor has continued to enjoy more time in her chair. She has gone across the street to a restauraunt to enjoy meals. She goes to the second floor to watch the other kids play. She continues her efforts in school and on the bike. Taylor is eager to go home and is waiting until the first of May when it becomes reality. Her pacer appears to be working well and her oxygen levals have stayed up even when she goes outside. She is hopeful that she will see one of her horses soon. She has started to develop a pressure soar from sitting in the chair so much so for now she will rest in bed a little longer.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Taylor has had a couple of really good days. Tuesday she was quick to jump at the chance to ditch A.J. (her occupational therapist) and duck across the street to get a quick cup of juice to start her day. She was back in time to actually do her therapy but was thrilled at the idea of A.J. showing up to find her already out and about for the day. She did not do her therapy on the bike today as she had the feeding tube changed to a micky button today. She has been sleeping well lately and her appetite is improving each day. She maintains her spunky attitude and continues to love playing jokes or tricks on people whenever she can.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Taylor was in a great mood today. She did the bike early in the morning and was a little tested by about 15 minutes. This is usual considering the time that she has gone without riding the bike. Today she went outside and cruised to get a smoothie outside of the hospital. She is hoping to see her horses soon. Her spirits remain strong and her sense of humor is still sharp. Her appetite is slowly coming back and she enjoyes eating her homemade pasta.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Taylor has done well since the last update. She is now back to using the pacer full time during the day and only on the ventilator at night. She has been more active with trips down to the bike and has enjoyed staying out of her room for 4 hours at a time. Taylor continues to have high anxiety and is anxious to go home. She is looking forward to visits out of the hospital and is hopeful that she will see her horses soon when they come to visit her in Sacramento. She enjoyed an Easter egg hunt with the other kids in the hospital. Not being able to move her arms or legs was not a deterent. She had and eagle eye to scout out the eggs.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Taylor got a great night sleep last night. Today she was placed back on the bipap ventilator machine to help keep her volumes up on her breathing. She did not let that stop her. She got into her automatic chair and took it for a cruise around the hospital. She has started to eat better and is liking the home made food that her family is bringing to the hospital.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Taylor has had a busy weekend. She had her party with some friends on Saturday and they decorated her room for Easter. On Sunday they tried to go downstairs and Taylor's title volumes dropped and she had to return to her room. Today she started on the bike. She did it for an hour and a half and then stayed in her chair for four hours and was able to go outside and enjoy the beutiful day. Her mood goes up and down and she is in a good mood for the most part. Her nursing and respritory therapy is getting finished in Chico and she is expected to go home in May.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Taylor had a wonderful birthday today. She was visited by family with cakes and presents. Tomorrow she is going to have a little git together with some of her friends. It will be a spa day with arts and crafts. She is looking forward to it. One of her favorite gifts from today is a moon that she can put above her tv and have it change with the moon outside. It makes a great night light and allows her to see the moon even in her room. She still did class and the bike today and did great as usual.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Taylor has been quite the trooper lately. She has kept her spunky attitude and joking ways with the nurses. She continues to do well at school and impress her teachers. Today she did an hour on the bike with little problems. She is looking forward to her birthday tomorrow and due to the size of her room she has plans throughout the weekend so that she can spread out the number of visitors. She will be 6 tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Taylor was back to her usual routine. She went downstairs to school for the first time since going down to ICU. She enjoyed her school lesson and then on bike later. Due to the fact that she has not been on the bike in a while she was only able to sustain for about 15 minutes which was expected by the physical therapist. She is enjoying the pace of being down on the 3rd floor and is enjoying her old nurses. She has become very homesick and asks to go home to Chico daily. Doctors are hopeful to have her going home around the first of May currently.
Taylor was back to her usual routine. She went downstairs to school for the first time since going down to ICU. She enjoyed her school lesson and then on bike later. Due to the fact that she has not been on the bike in a while she was only able to sustain for about 15 minutes which was expected by the physical therapist. She is enjoying the pace of being down on the 3rd floor and is enjoying her old nurses. She has become very homesick and asks to go home to Chico daily. Doctors are hopeful to have her going home around the first of May currently.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Taylor finally got to move down to her old room today. I know that that is what an earlier update said. However the doctors changed their mind at the last minute and decided to keep her through the weekend. Taylor was like a yo-yo wondering is she going or staying. She was very glad to get down to her room. The discharge people are working to get Taylor home soon. They think they have secured her nursing care in Chico and are hopeful to have her home in early May. She is going to be able to start getting out of the hospital with her family during the day to go to the zoo or the movies shortly. She is looking forward to her brief furlows with her family. Tomorrow she starts her intense therapy back on the bike.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Taylor got little sleep last night. She remains in the ICU. The doctors changed their mind at the last minute on moving Taylor. Now she is expected to move tomorrow. The is anxious to get down to a regular room. She was in great spirits today and had many family visitors stop by.
Taylor was happy to be able to view her concert yesterday. Thanks to ColusaNet she had the ability to control the camera at the event and watch it all on her computer. She was able to see Gene who was responsible for putting on the great day. She was impressed with all of the bands that played and got to listen to them while she watched over a cellphone. She was very excited to see all of the people and get a t-shirt from the event. Taylor and her family want to thank everyone for their help in making the "Day on The Green" a success. The generous bands were great and all of the staff really worked hard to put on a first class day.
Taylor was happy to be able to view her concert yesterday. Thanks to ColusaNet she had the ability to control the camera at the event and watch it all on her computer. She was able to see Gene who was responsible for putting on the great day. She was impressed with all of the bands that played and got to listen to them while she watched over a cellphone. She was very excited to see all of the people and get a t-shirt from the event. Taylor and her family want to thank everyone for their help in making the "Day on The Green" a success. The generous bands were great and all of the staff really worked hard to put on a first class day.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Taylor has had a tough time lately. She had some anxiety about the doctors testing some medication on her and having to inject it into her back. The doctors decided to put her out for the procedure so that she would not recall the injection. It was to determine if the medicine that they were giving her for her spasims was working. She will finally be changing her room today and moving back down to the third floor now that the pacer is functioning properly. She is excited to see her brother again. She has been sleeping well and is in a joking mood most of the time. She continues to keep the same great personality.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. She did her school lessons and had light physical therapy today. Most of her day consisted of getting better on the pacer. She did 2 hours on and 2 hours off all throughout the day. Doctors are still hopeful to have her out of the ICU by Friday. Taylor had a movie night tonight and watched something other than "Flicka". She watched "Cars" which is her brother's favorite movie. Once she is able to she wants to watch it in her other room with him. Taylor is excited for next week. It is her Birthday Week. That is right her birthday is next Friday March 30th. Taylor will be 6 years old. She says that she doesn't know what she wants for her birthday. One thing she is looking forward to is a spa day and having her nails done being pampered. At least more than she is currently being pampered. Tonight she was also excited about the concert this weekend in Colusa. She has gotten emails from many of the bands and would love to hear them. She is looking forward to seeing video of the event.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Taylor was well rested after sleeping for 13 hours last night. She went to bed right after her movie night. She woke up well rested and in a great mood. She had a long day and the doctors were working with her pacer again today. Due to some scheduling in her old room she has to wait until Friday to get out of the ICU. Doctors think that one of the medications that she is receiving is causing the phrenic pacer to function poorly. They are testing to rectify the problem and are running some tests. Taylor is getting more comfortable with every day. She continues to be optimistic, work hard and fight to get better.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She did some time breathing exclusivly on the phrenic pacer. Doctors expect to have her back in her old room on the third floor by Wednesday and then back on the bike by Friday. They are hopeful that this weekend she will be a little more mobile and can possibly leave the building with family to go out and enjoy the great weather. Tonight she had movie night in her room and watched "Barnyard" on the big screen. She did have a long day of school and therapy and was out for the night early.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Taylor is still getting very little sleep at night. She remains in great spirits during the day. Her doctor came by today and turned on her pacing unit again and tested her volumes in order to try to get her off of the ventilator again. They are gruadually starting the time on the pacer like they did last time. She is developing soars around her mouth due to licking her lips constantly. Doctors said that this is common in her case since that is one fuction that she has control over and her body tells her she needs to be doing something. Taylor has developed some discomfort in her legs. She describes it as a burning feeling and needs constant massaging to ease the pain. She might just be trying to get a massage, however the doctors said that this may be a good sign. They have been cautious to be to optomistic with Taylor and her family. She continues to work hard in therapy and in school.
Taylor was pleased to hear about the dinner in Gridley last night. She wanted to thank Hannah, Julie, Lisa and Becky for organizing the evening. She is eagerly awaiting the video messages and the other well wishes that were done for her at the event. Her family would like to thank everyone who organized and supported the event with donations. It was great to see everyone who attended and it is truly a blessing to see how a community can come out to support one of their own that is in need.
Taylor was pleased to hear about the dinner in Gridley last night. She wanted to thank Hannah, Julie, Lisa and Becky for organizing the evening. She is eagerly awaiting the video messages and the other well wishes that were done for her at the event. Her family would like to thank everyone who organized and supported the event with donations. It was great to see everyone who attended and it is truly a blessing to see how a community can come out to support one of their own that is in need.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Taylor got little sleep last night. She started the day with little energy but in a good mood. She was visited for her school lesson and then had her usual treatments and therapy in her old room in the ICU unit. Taylor ate very little today and is now back on her feeds through her tube. She is expected to call it an early night tonight.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Taylor was moved back up to the ICU today. This was done to have nurses keep a closer eye on Taylor while they have her off of the pacer. The doctors are giving her a break and allowing her diaphram muscle to rest and hopefully the pacer machine will work again. The doctors are hopeful that it will only take a couple of days until she is back to full time pacing. The move caused some anxiety for Taylor and she was unhappy when she had to put a new trach in. She was able to enjoy a little movie night. Her family brought in a projector and they watched Flicka on the big screen and had popcorn.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Taylor has had a good couple of days. She has continued her schooling in her room. Her breathing is also improving. Although she is still on a ventilator her volumes are getting better. This means that she is getting a bigger breath using the pacer. We hope she continues to improve and will soon be just on the pacer and able to enjoy some of the freedom that she was just getting used to, such as going outside. Once she is able to do that her Grandma will bring her horse down to see her. For the mean time she has gotten a break from the bike and is only working with Occupational Therapy in the afternoon. The bike, like any exercise, was causing her to need a bigger breath and for now the doctors feel that she is better served to take it easy and focus on her breathing.
This Saturday is Taylor's dinner in Gridley. You can find information about the dinner under the "How To Help" tab on Taylor's homepage. Also don't forget the "Day on the Green" concert and BBQ that is next Saturday at the Colusa County Fairgrounds. Taylor and her family greatly appreciate all of the support from everyone involved in these events.
This Saturday is Taylor's dinner in Gridley. You can find information about the dinner under the "How To Help" tab on Taylor's homepage. Also don't forget the "Day on the Green" concert and BBQ that is next Saturday at the Colusa County Fairgrounds. Taylor and her family greatly appreciate all of the support from everyone involved in these events.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. She relaxed in her room and played all day. The doctors still had Taylor on the ventilator all day today. She was able to enjoy having her favorite pasta dish for lunch and dinner. Since she had the day off from school and therapy she was able to enjoy playing on the computer and watching movies with her family.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Taylor had a relaxing day. Today the doctos put her on some muscle relaxers to try to help her lungs expand further and that caused Taylor to sleep most of the day. She did have time to visit with her brother and her cousin that is up visiting from Southern California. The doctors may move her back to the ICU and have her off of the pacer for a couple of days to check the unit. The move back to the ICU would be necessary since the nursing staff up there is better equipped for the ventilator. Taylor enjoyed playing her horse game this evening. She is wanting to ride her horses for real but for the mean time she seems pleased to be able to groom, ride and compete on her computer horses.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Taylor had another day confined to her room. Her teacher came up and gave her lessons in her room. She was unable to leave to ride the bike. Doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong and hope to resolve the issue soon. Taylor has enjoyed playing on her computer and is learning how to control it herself with the help of occupational therapy.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Taylor has had another frustrating day on the ventilator. She is unable to get big enough breaths into her lungs. Doctors still are unable to find a solution. One thing that they are trying is to relax the muscles around the lungs feeling that is what is not allowing the lungs to expand fully. Due to the fact that she is on the ventilator she is not allowed to leave her room. Taylor was not able to ride the bike today because of this. She also missed going to school because she was getting fitted for a new electric wheelchair that she can control with her head. She did not like it and preferred being pushed in the stroller. Taylor has remainded confident that she will ride her horse again and keeps watching "Flicka" and playing the horse game on her computer. She said "They also did not think that she would cough again and now she is doing that on her own".
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. She woke up to a visit from her brother. Later she had her teacher come to her room to give her lessons. She was unable to leave her room because she stayed on the ventilator all day. Her pacer is working but she is not getting the deep breaths that she is comfortable with. The doctors are working to find a solution. They reassured the family that everything is fine and that this is something that they can work out. Taylor skipped the bike today since she was unable to go downstairs. She is working with occupational therapy to get technology to allow her to use a computer on her own. She was in great spirits tonight and is being her usual joking self.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Taylor had a long day today. Last night the doctors tried to stop her sleeping medicine and she did not sleep well last night. Taylor was a trooper and stayed awake through her whole class time. She even did the whole hour on the bike with stimulation. The doctors decided that maybe trying to take her off of the sleeping medicine all at once was to much and now they are going to put her back on it and take her off of it gradually.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Taylor had a frustrating day today. She was on a misting machine to help loosen up the secretions in her lungs so that they could clear her lungs. With the mister on it is hard for Taylor to talk and that frustrated her as well. She had her teacher come to her room for class. They did let her off of the mister to ride her bike. She is able to ride for about an hour on full stimulation. The doctors are cutting back on her meds and are stopping her feeds at night. She is eating enough during the day to avoid the continuous feeds at night through the tube in her stomach.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Taylor had a decent day. She got a visit from on of her best friends today. They played music with Taylor's music teacher and Taylor's brother Tanner was on drums. Taylor thins that her brother is a crazy man on the drums. Taylor was unable to leave her room today due to the fact that her oxygen saturation was low today. She had to be on the ventilator allday. The continued to give Taylor her breathing treatments and that seemed to be unsuccessful. She is disapointed because she hoped to go outside and see her horse Lady tommorrow. Tommorrow she is back to school and on the bike.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Taylor had a relaxing day today. Free of school and the bike. That did not mean that she was off the hook and could just lay around and watch Flicka. She had to do her range of motion exercises in her bed. Later she got to enjoy the beautiful day and go outside with only family for the first time since the accident. She had some issues with her oxygen saturation so she had to come back in early. She is looking forward to seeing some of her horses now that she can go outside. She is eager to see Lady and Blackie, her two favorites. She has continued to stay in great spirits and enjoyed a conversation with her brother this evening.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She went to school again today and her teachers are now realizing that she way more advanced than they thought she should be. She did a full hour on the bike and still said the stimulation makes her muscles tired. The doctors are reassuring her that sore muscles can be good. She continues to develop more and more feeling throughout her body. Although they say this is not necessarily a indication of regaining use it is still a good sign. So far Taylor has avoided the flu that has gone through the rest of her family. Her brother came down with the flu shortly after visiting her so the nurses have been watching her extra closely for any signs. She was in a great mood today and got a visit from one of her friends. She really enjoys it when they stop by and visit now that she is out of ICU.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Taylor had her first restless night in a long time. After the sleepless night she bathed, did her hair and brushed her teeth and was off to school. Only she fell asleep about 1/2 hour into the lesson with the instructor. They decided to call it a day and she went back to her room where Occupational Therapy met with her and worked on a few things with the mouth stick. She still did her time on the bike. She said that the bike is getting easier. She has regained a lot of feeling in her body even spreading down her legs. The doctors caution that feeling doesn't indicate movement but it is a good sign never the less. Taylor's brother came down with the flu so the nurses are closely watching Taylor for any signs since she was with her brother the first part of yesterday.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She was excited for her second day of school. Her brother escorted her to class. After her break Taylor got on the bike and rode for an hour. She is excited to be peddaling the bike even if it is with the help of the stimulators. She also got a manacure today and changed her fingernail color to red with glitter. The finished the evening in a great mood. She finished the night by having a conversation using the video confrence feature on her computer with Sheridan, one of her friends.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She woke up to a visit from her little brother who was climbing all over her bed. She had her first day of school at the Shriner's classroom. She said that it was boaring and she already knew the stuff. I think that she will find that they will accelerate her ciriculum so that she will have to start learning. She did time on the exercise bike today and said that it hurt her muscles. It is good that they were finally getting a workout. It was explained to her that the pain was good pain. Taylor was exausted from her long day and she relaxed in the evening watching Flicka.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Taylor had another relaxing day today. She hung out with family all day. Taylor did some coloring today and painted with a brush in her mouth. She is excited to start school at Shriners tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a big day with school, exercise and therapy. Taylor has slept all through the night for three nights in a row and she said that tonight will be the fourth in a row. Taylor enjoyed reading everyone's emails and comments tonight. She wanted to thank one of her doctors from UC Davis for keeping track of her from UCD to Shriners. She thinks that it is really cool that he is traveling to help kids in other countries.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. The doctors are ordering her to drink more water because it is making it difficult for them to get the secretions out of her lungs without the water. Taylor had the day off from the bike and other exercises but she still had to do her range of motion exercises with her family. She continued the Flicka marathon and enjoyed drawing with her mouthstick and putting stickers on paper. She has made a lot of masterpieces.
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