Monday, January 1, 2007

Taylor stayed up late last night to see the fireworks to start the new year. The family continued to talk to the doctors at the Christopher Reeve's Center. They are wanting to hold off on installing the Phrenic Pacer. They are optimistic that they can get her breathing on her own again. They also would like to run some MRI's and the installation of the pacer makes that impossible. Taylor my be proving them right. Last night she was working and made some breaths on her own. She worked hard at it but the ventilator machine indicated that she did indeed take a few breaths on her own when she tried. She also showed some promise in her leg movement. When the nurses came to cath her Taylor said no and closed her legs twice. It is still unclear as to whether this was intentional by Taylor, the nurse thought so, or if it was reflex. In any event the fact that both legs moved at the same time without stimulation is a great sign of possibility in the future. Today she got in her chair in the morning after breakfast and did some exercises with the occupational therapy nurse.