Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Today Taylor woke up in a good mood. She was smiling a lot. She was excited because her whole nursing team was female today and they said that it was going to be a "girl spa day". Mid morning her family met with a team of specialist to determine where Taylor goes from here. They were less than encouraging. The determined that there was only a 1% chance that Taylor would regain any significant movement in her arms and that was the best that the family could hope for. They said that they would train the family in Taylor's care to take her home and that she would not be recommended to go to a rehabilitation facility. The family is asking for a second opinion and wanting to look at rehabilitation options for Taylor. Over the next week outside doctors and rehabilitation facilities will be looking at Taylors material. Later in the afternoon Taylor went for a tour and again visited the outside. She also had pizza today. She was unable to eat the crust but she had the good parts. Later she continued with the "spa day" treatment and got a pedicure.