Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas! I know that it has been a couple of days since our last post about Taylor. Some people procrastinate and had to get their last minute shopping done.

Taylor has had some ups and downs over the last few days. She has had some good sleep but she is fighting a touch of pneumonia. She continues to have gas after her feeds that cause some discomfort in her stomach. Her doctors are venting her tummy to allow the gasses to escape. Some other plans have changed. The way it looks now she will have her phrenic pacer surgery at UC Davis instead of Shriners. Taylor is expected to move to Shriners shortly after her surgery for recovery. There was some rumor that she will have the surgery this week but that is yet to be verified to the family by the doctors. She continues to be in great spirits and has had numerous visits from Santa. Taylor really enjoyed her Christmas and has been in great spirits today.