Friday, January 26, 2007

Taylor was very surprised to hear about the turnout at the spaghetti feed last night. Her family is very appreciative of every ones generosity. They want to thank everyone that helped make the night a success. It is a great testament to the community to see such a turnout for on of their children in need. The support from the dinner was more than anyone could have dreamed. The food that was supposed to last all night was looking sparse 30 minutes into the night.

Today Taylor spent a lot of time out of her room. She is going to the second floor a lot and playing with the other kids. She continues to do her exercises and stimulation. The doctors have increased the amount of time that she spends on the pacer and off of the ventilator. Tomorrow they are expecting Taylor to be on the pacer and off of the ventilator from 6 am until 8 pm. She is handling it very well. She has regained her appetite and tonight had a tuna fish sandwich and pizza.