Thursday, February 15, 2007

Taylor has had many things happen since the last time we updated you. Her pacer machine started to malfunction and she had to be placed back on the ventilator. This caused a great deal of anxiety for Taylor. She did not like being on the vent. She did not sleep well because of it. Now she has a new pacing machine back and is in a great mood. Taylor has continued to get more sensation back. She is still unable to move her arms but is feeling clear to the tips of her fingers. She is now able to tell you which finger you are squeezing. Doctors caution that this is no indication of movement in the future but they say it is still a positive sign never the less. It is something that can proceed movement. The family continues to work with Taylor each day and help her to recuperate. She is enjoying talking to friends and family on her new computer. She is excited to get the bike and start more intensive rehab.