Friday, May 11, 2007

Taylor has had a interesting couple of days. She got to move back down to her room after the morning in ICU on Monday. She continued to struggle with her oxygen level and since then has been back to ICU once and had a procedure done with some anesthesia. She has continued to improve in her regular room and is now spending most of her time off of the ventilator.

On Tuesday she got a special visit from Sara. Sara came to visit Taylor and talk with her about exactly what Taylor is going through. Sara brought her service dog and talked with Taylor for a while. Taylor was very glad that Sara stopped by and hopes to see her again soon. Sara shares Taylor's love for horses.

Taylor is looking forward to watching her favorite horse Lady run the Barrels at her Barrell Race in Orland this weekend. She was promised a video tape of the run.

The doctors still say that none of the things that Taylor has experienced this week will prolong her return home. The family still has not been given an exact date and hopes to be going home soon.