Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Taylor woke up in a great mode today. She was all smiles and was in a joking mode. She had a good night sleep. She started the morning off with a requested cinnamon roll. After breakfast she had her trach changed, her teeth brushed and face cleaned. She followed up with a little shopping online. The nurses say that they plan to get her into her chair and take her for a little stroll. Taylor had time to sneak in a afternoon nap prior to the ride. Taylor reluctantly went for her ride today. She was in the chair for about 45 minutes but she did not leave the hospital due to the weather. Today the family found out that Taylor will be transferred to Shriners early in January. She will be the first patient accepted on a ventilator. The same team of surgeons will do the Phrenic Pacer procedure in the Shriners facility. Taylor's doctors are excited about the move. It is a more modern facility and is much more "kid friendly". In the afternoon Taylor read some of the wonderful emails that people have sent her. She is trying to respond to them when she gets a chance. Thank you all for your overwhelming support for Taylor.