Thursday, January 4, 2007

Taylor finally has her future move figured out. She will be transferred to Shriner's across the street tomorrow and await her phrenic pacer surgery on Monday of next week. The Philadelphia Shriner's hospital is sending a bike to allow Taylor to do the "activity based rehab" that is similar to the Christopher Reeves Center. Taylor and her family are excited to get this type of treatment so close to family and friends here in Northern California. Taylor's nurses are sad to lose Taylor but they are excited for her future. She has made many friendships with the nurses that have cared for her and many of the nurses have promised to make the trip across the street to visit Taylor. Taylor is excited for the move. She is looking forward to the kid friendly environment. Taylor has been adjusting to her new wheels and is getting more excited about her trips in the stroller. Her appetite has gotten better and continues to improve. She had a dinner of salad and tri tip tonight for her last dinner in the Pediatric ICU in.