Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Taylor has been continuing to work to get better. She is on her bike everyday and she does all that is asked of her by her family and nurses. She continues to have sensation throughout her body. We are hopeful that that turns into some movement in the future. Her spasms have been getting better. She is having less of them and is getting to where she can feel them coming.

She had a great Christmas and got many nice gifts. The neighborhood put up lights to allow Taylor to have Christmas in July.

She is getting easier at going through her day to day activities and has liked being close to her horses. She got to see them last weekend and feed them cookies. She supervised the braiding of their mane and tails. She wanted to make sure they were done right. She continues to read your comments on the blog and through emails. She has been sporadic at viewing them and responding. She enjoys them.