Sunday, March 18, 2007

Taylor is still getting very little sleep at night. She remains in great spirits during the day. Her doctor came by today and turned on her pacing unit again and tested her volumes in order to try to get her off of the ventilator again. They are gruadually starting the time on the pacer like they did last time. She is developing soars around her mouth due to licking her lips constantly. Doctors said that this is common in her case since that is one fuction that she has control over and her body tells her she needs to be doing something. Taylor has developed some discomfort in her legs. She describes it as a burning feeling and needs constant massaging to ease the pain. She might just be trying to get a massage, however the doctors said that this may be a good sign. They have been cautious to be to optomistic with Taylor and her family. She continues to work hard in therapy and in school.

Taylor was pleased to hear about the dinner in Gridley last night. She wanted to thank Hannah, Julie, Lisa and Becky for organizing the evening. She is eagerly awaiting the video messages and the other well wishes that were done for her at the event. Her family would like to thank everyone who organized and supported the event with donations. It was great to see everyone who attended and it is truly a blessing to see how a community can come out to support one of their own that is in need.