Taylor has continued to work hard at her therapy. She is back in school now and is doing well. Being the sun worshiper that she is she is enjoying the spring like days and the sunshine that comes with it. She has been told by Grandma Judy that we need the rain and Taylor said that she will ask for some rain and then some more sun. Taylor is showing off the balloon animal dog that her Dad just learned how to make for her.
1 comment:
Howdy Taylor,
Papa Larry and I miss you soooo much. I'm glad you have been up to Grama Judy's ranch and rode 'Lady'. The next time you come up there let us know so we can come watch you ride.
Have you read any of the stories in the books we gave you and Tanner? I think my favorit is THE PAPER BAG PRINCESS. You'll really laugh at that one.
We love you and miss you,
Papa Larry and Mamaw
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