Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A lot has happened since Taylor's last blog. Taylor went to visit her doctor in Sacramento and got a check up. They continue to be impressed with how well she is doing. She is breathing strong and looking good. Last weekend she had a great time at Disney's princesses on ice. She enjoyed all of the princesses however she said Arial was her favorite. Taylor got a kick out of watching her little brother hit baseballs from his pitching machine. She also got a tremendous surprise on Wednesday night when she got a special call from country music star Taylor Swift. Although she was a little shy and speechless she was very excited by the call and felt very honored. Taylor is a huge Taylor Swift fan. Her favorite song is "Teardrops on My Guitar".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing awesome and that your not letting anything hold you back! What a pleasure to talk to Taylor Swift as well :) You truely are and amazing girl :)

Hugs from the Parsley Family,
Paige, Taylor, Darrel and Joanne