Friday, July 6, 2007

Taylor has been doing well in her day to day activities. She celebrated Christmas last Sunday. She enjoyed her presents and she felt that it was long overdue. Her Brother also had his birthday this week and is now 3 years old. She still thinks he is crazy. Taylor's color is looking better the more that she gets out and she is asking to be bagged and suctioned less now. Yesterday she showed some improvements in her ability to use the muscles in her stomach. She was able to lift her head and shoulders off of her bed using her stomach muscles. She continues to ride her bike and work hard to try to improve and get better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are so happy to hear that you were able to enjoy your christmas this past weekend with your family at home. Wow, it sounds like you have been very busy with christmas and your bothers birthday all in one week. We are very excited to hear that you are using those stomach muscles to help you lift you upper body. That's great!!! Remember to keep working hard and those muscles will get stronger each and every day. We are still waiting for our baby to arrive I guess she is trying to teach us to be patient. We will keep you posted on the arrivial of your cousin. Have a great week. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa