Sorry it has been so long since the update on this blog. Many of you still show great support for Taylor and ask how she is doing. With help from additional family we will keep updating this site. We will do weekly updates on Sunday or Monday each week if not more frequent. If you know of people who have given up on the site please have them start looking at it again.
Taylor had done remarkably well since our last blog. She has started school and is assisted by Malinda each day in class. She is back at her old school and is getting reaquainted with her old friends as well as some new ones. She does very well at her school work and has recently learned the whole "Pledge of Alligence". She is doing addition and subtraction in math and is reading at a third grade level. Taylor has also made some longer trips. On Labor Day weekend she went to her dad and now step mom's wedding in Carmel, CA. Was able to go with two of her nurses Lisa and Melinda. She enjoyed the weekend and really liked seeing the ocean. She was one of the flower girls in the wedding. Taylor has also gotten back on a horse since the last blog. She recently went to a Rodeo where she cheered for her Dad, Uncles, and Grandpa.
She continues to work hard at regaining motion in her arms and legs. Taylor has been doing well riding her special bike everyday. She missed some days due to her being sick but she does her best always. Her recent checkup at the doctor went well and she continues to impress them.
Way to go Taylor! Look at you on your horse! We are so very proud of you. Keep up the great work.
Makenzie now attends the same school as you do, but she is still in Kindergarten. I was able to sit by you on Friday at the All School Sing, but you have never met me before. You only know me through this website. And you were busy enjoying the music, so I didn't introduce myself. But next time I will!
You looked amazing, Taylor. I am sure that Makenzie and I will see you around the school some more and next time we will definitly say hello.
Take care sweetie!
Summer and Makenzie Moore
Hello Taylor-
We are so glad to finally have an update. We are happy to hear that things are going well and that you are staying busy. We saw your uncle ryan this weekend and he was telling us how much you are enjoying being back at school with your new friends and old ones as well. Wow, sounds like you had a really good labor day weekend, i'm sure you were a beautiful flower girl. Congratulations!!!
So I see that you are still getting on your horse every chance that you get great job. We are very excited to see that you are enjoying cheering on your family and doing well being out and about.
I have just returned to work after having the baby so I will work on getting some of the students to write to you soon. I will email a picture of Ava to your dad so he can share it with you.
Keep up the good work!! Lots of hugs, kisses, and prayers.
The Garcia's
Andy, Kelli & Ava
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