Monday, February 26, 2007

Taylor had a great day today. She woke up to a visit from her little brother who was climbing all over her bed. She had her first day of school at the Shriner's classroom. She said that it was boaring and she already knew the stuff. I think that she will find that they will accelerate her ciriculum so that she will have to start learning. She did time on the exercise bike today and said that it hurt her muscles. It is good that they were finally getting a workout. It was explained to her that the pain was good pain. Taylor was exausted from her long day and she relaxed in the evening watching Flicka.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are very happy to hear that you had yet another great day. I guess they didn't realize how smart you are. I'm sure they will figure it out very quickly and they will change up your curriculum to fit your level. Like my dad has always told me "no pain, no gain" keep that in mind when your working on your exercises, it's a good pain and it will pay off. Good luck tomorrow, enjoy your night of flicka and sweet dreams. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa