Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Taylor had a good day today. She woke up to a visit from her brother. Later she had her teacher come to her room to give her lessons. She was unable to leave her room because she stayed on the ventilator all day. Her pacer is working but she is not getting the deep breaths that she is comfortable with. The doctors are working to find a solution. They reassured the family that everything is fine and that this is something that they can work out. Taylor skipped the bike today since she was unable to go downstairs. She is working with occupational therapy to get technology to allow her to use a computer on her own. She was in great spirits tonight and is being her usual joking self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Taylor-

We are happy to hear that you had a great day and were able to wake up to a visit from your brother. I sure the doctors are working very hard at finding a solution to helping you with your pacer, give them some time and everything will work out. We also see that you were able to relax a little and not have to do the bike today as well, I'm sure you enjoyed a day off. Keep working hard on your school work, exercises and your great attitude. We are very excited about your upcoming fundraiser in Colusa there are many people around talking about it. Have a great day. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa