Friday, March 28, 2008

Taylor has had a rough couple of weeks. She had some difficulty breathing. She has started to do breathing treatments again and has spent a lot of time on the ventilator. Taylor missed many days of school and was fortunate that Easter break fell during this inconvenience so that she did not miss to much school. Her breathing is getting better. She is still doing breathing treatments however she started to go back to school this week after Easter break.

She had a great Easter. She found more eggs than her brother which she did not let him forget. She got out and enjoyed the beautiful weekend.

Her birthday is Sunday. She will be turning 7. She has asked to go to Chuck E Cheese. She also wants to go to see the new movie "Horton".

She still talks about going to see Taylor Swift in April. She has even got her brother singing most of Taylor's songs.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hello Taylor-

We are very sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. We are happy to hear that you are getting stronger each day having to do less of the breathing treaments. I am very excited to hear that you found more eggs than your brother. I am sure that didn't make him very happy. How was your birthday? Did you get to see the movie Horton and go to Chuck -e- cheese. We are very excited to be going to the taylor swift next week as well. Continue to work hard and keep your health strong so that you are able to attend. I know you will be a special guest and you will have a great time. I look forward to hearing about your progress. Keep up the great work and maybe we will see you at western days this weekend. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers continue to go your way.


The Garcia's
Andy, Kelli, & Ava