Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Taylor has been continuing to work to get better. She is on her bike everyday and she does all that is asked of her by her family and nurses. She continues to have sensation throughout her body. We are hopeful that that turns into some movement in the future. Her spasms have been getting better. She is having less of them and is getting to where she can feel them coming.

She had a great Christmas and got many nice gifts. The neighborhood put up lights to allow Taylor to have Christmas in July.

She is getting easier at going through her day to day activities and has liked being close to her horses. She got to see them last weekend and feed them cookies. She supervised the braiding of their mane and tails. She wanted to make sure they were done right. She continues to read your comments on the blog and through emails. She has been sporadic at viewing them and responding. She enjoys them.


Anonymous said...

Howdy Taylor, It is so great to hear how well you are doing. Your Grandpa and Grandma Judy came by our house to see Larry and I after they were up to see you last sunday. We were so glad to hear what a good time you were having with Leah. They said you were going camping. How exciting. I love to go camping. Maybe someday we will all go together. I hope I am there when you ride your horse again. We want to come see you very soon.
Are you excited about your dad and Leah's wedding coming up? We are all excited. Did you know that I bought you a very special dress for the wedding? I did and you are going to look so pretty in it. I'll bring it up so we can try it on you. I think you'll just love it.
Work real hard and keep getting stronger.
Hug-a-loves to you sweetheart,
Larry and Charlene

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Taylor-

We are so happy to hear that you had such a wonderful Christmas in July and that your day to day activities are getting easier. We are sorry that it has been a while since we last responded but, we had a beautiful baby girl on Thursday, July 12th. Miss Ava and I came home on Saturday, July 15th. She is very tiny but absolutley adorable. We hope that you days continue to get easier and you are able to keep up with your exercises. Have a great week. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa

Summer said...

Hi Taylor!

I just wanted to let you know that Makenzie and I are thinking about you still. It sounds like you are doing so much better! Makenzie and I know that you will be up on your horse in no time at all. Just keep up the great work!

How wonderful and thoughtful of all your neighbors to put up their Christmas lights for you! You are such a lucky girl to have so many care and love for you. You will never forget having Christmas in the summer time!

You and your family are continually in our thoughts.
Summer and Makenzie Moore