Thursday, March 29, 2007

Taylor has been quite the trooper lately. She has kept her spunky attitude and joking ways with the nurses. She continues to do well at school and impress her teachers. Today she did an hour on the bike with little problems. She is looking forward to her birthday tomorrow and due to the size of her room she has plans throughout the weekend so that she can spread out the number of visitors. She will be 6 tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Taylor!!!

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Taylor, happy birthday to you!! Hello taylor we hope that you have a wonderful bithday and a great day. We love hearing how you lead everyone in what they need to do, way to go. We are sure that your room will be full of all kinds of balloons, flowers, friends, presents, and so much more. Great job on the bike yesterday, you are awesome!! Keep up the great work and have a wonderful day. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- colusa

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR! Wow, 6 years old!!!

What kind of cake are you having? Have you been partying all day? I'm so glad to hear your back to your regular schedule. Keep up the great attitude! Have a great birthday weekend and don't eat too much cake.

Stacey, Jeromy, Jessica and Katy Sannar