Friday, March 30, 2007
Taylor had a wonderful birthday today. She was visited by family with cakes and presents. Tomorrow she is going to have a little git together with some of her friends. It will be a spa day with arts and crafts. She is looking forward to it. One of her favorite gifts from today is a moon that she can put above her tv and have it change with the moon outside. It makes a great night light and allows her to see the moon even in her room. She still did class and the bike today and did great as usual.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Taylor has been quite the trooper lately. She has kept her spunky attitude and joking ways with the nurses. She continues to do well at school and impress her teachers. Today she did an hour on the bike with little problems. She is looking forward to her birthday tomorrow and due to the size of her room she has plans throughout the weekend so that she can spread out the number of visitors. She will be 6 tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Taylor was back to her usual routine. She went downstairs to school for the first time since going down to ICU. She enjoyed her school lesson and then on bike later. Due to the fact that she has not been on the bike in a while she was only able to sustain for about 15 minutes which was expected by the physical therapist. She is enjoying the pace of being down on the 3rd floor and is enjoying her old nurses. She has become very homesick and asks to go home to Chico daily. Doctors are hopeful to have her going home around the first of May currently.
Taylor was back to her usual routine. She went downstairs to school for the first time since going down to ICU. She enjoyed her school lesson and then on bike later. Due to the fact that she has not been on the bike in a while she was only able to sustain for about 15 minutes which was expected by the physical therapist. She is enjoying the pace of being down on the 3rd floor and is enjoying her old nurses. She has become very homesick and asks to go home to Chico daily. Doctors are hopeful to have her going home around the first of May currently.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Taylor finally got to move down to her old room today. I know that that is what an earlier update said. However the doctors changed their mind at the last minute and decided to keep her through the weekend. Taylor was like a yo-yo wondering is she going or staying. She was very glad to get down to her room. The discharge people are working to get Taylor home soon. They think they have secured her nursing care in Chico and are hopeful to have her home in early May. She is going to be able to start getting out of the hospital with her family during the day to go to the zoo or the movies shortly. She is looking forward to her brief furlows with her family. Tomorrow she starts her intense therapy back on the bike.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Taylor got little sleep last night. She remains in the ICU. The doctors changed their mind at the last minute on moving Taylor. Now she is expected to move tomorrow. The is anxious to get down to a regular room. She was in great spirits today and had many family visitors stop by.
Taylor was happy to be able to view her concert yesterday. Thanks to ColusaNet she had the ability to control the camera at the event and watch it all on her computer. She was able to see Gene who was responsible for putting on the great day. She was impressed with all of the bands that played and got to listen to them while she watched over a cellphone. She was very excited to see all of the people and get a t-shirt from the event. Taylor and her family want to thank everyone for their help in making the "Day on The Green" a success. The generous bands were great and all of the staff really worked hard to put on a first class day.
Taylor was happy to be able to view her concert yesterday. Thanks to ColusaNet she had the ability to control the camera at the event and watch it all on her computer. She was able to see Gene who was responsible for putting on the great day. She was impressed with all of the bands that played and got to listen to them while she watched over a cellphone. She was very excited to see all of the people and get a t-shirt from the event. Taylor and her family want to thank everyone for their help in making the "Day on The Green" a success. The generous bands were great and all of the staff really worked hard to put on a first class day.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Taylor has had a tough time lately. She had some anxiety about the doctors testing some medication on her and having to inject it into her back. The doctors decided to put her out for the procedure so that she would not recall the injection. It was to determine if the medicine that they were giving her for her spasims was working. She will finally be changing her room today and moving back down to the third floor now that the pacer is functioning properly. She is excited to see her brother again. She has been sleeping well and is in a joking mood most of the time. She continues to keep the same great personality.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. She did her school lessons and had light physical therapy today. Most of her day consisted of getting better on the pacer. She did 2 hours on and 2 hours off all throughout the day. Doctors are still hopeful to have her out of the ICU by Friday. Taylor had a movie night tonight and watched something other than "Flicka". She watched "Cars" which is her brother's favorite movie. Once she is able to she wants to watch it in her other room with him. Taylor is excited for next week. It is her Birthday Week. That is right her birthday is next Friday March 30th. Taylor will be 6 years old. She says that she doesn't know what she wants for her birthday. One thing she is looking forward to is a spa day and having her nails done being pampered. At least more than she is currently being pampered. Tonight she was also excited about the concert this weekend in Colusa. She has gotten emails from many of the bands and would love to hear them. She is looking forward to seeing video of the event.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Taylor was well rested after sleeping for 13 hours last night. She went to bed right after her movie night. She woke up well rested and in a great mood. She had a long day and the doctors were working with her pacer again today. Due to some scheduling in her old room she has to wait until Friday to get out of the ICU. Doctors think that one of the medications that she is receiving is causing the phrenic pacer to function poorly. They are testing to rectify the problem and are running some tests. Taylor is getting more comfortable with every day. She continues to be optimistic, work hard and fight to get better.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She did some time breathing exclusivly on the phrenic pacer. Doctors expect to have her back in her old room on the third floor by Wednesday and then back on the bike by Friday. They are hopeful that this weekend she will be a little more mobile and can possibly leave the building with family to go out and enjoy the great weather. Tonight she had movie night in her room and watched "Barnyard" on the big screen. She did have a long day of school and therapy and was out for the night early.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Taylor is still getting very little sleep at night. She remains in great spirits during the day. Her doctor came by today and turned on her pacing unit again and tested her volumes in order to try to get her off of the ventilator again. They are gruadually starting the time on the pacer like they did last time. She is developing soars around her mouth due to licking her lips constantly. Doctors said that this is common in her case since that is one fuction that she has control over and her body tells her she needs to be doing something. Taylor has developed some discomfort in her legs. She describes it as a burning feeling and needs constant massaging to ease the pain. She might just be trying to get a massage, however the doctors said that this may be a good sign. They have been cautious to be to optomistic with Taylor and her family. She continues to work hard in therapy and in school.
Taylor was pleased to hear about the dinner in Gridley last night. She wanted to thank Hannah, Julie, Lisa and Becky for organizing the evening. She is eagerly awaiting the video messages and the other well wishes that were done for her at the event. Her family would like to thank everyone who organized and supported the event with donations. It was great to see everyone who attended and it is truly a blessing to see how a community can come out to support one of their own that is in need.
Taylor was pleased to hear about the dinner in Gridley last night. She wanted to thank Hannah, Julie, Lisa and Becky for organizing the evening. She is eagerly awaiting the video messages and the other well wishes that were done for her at the event. Her family would like to thank everyone who organized and supported the event with donations. It was great to see everyone who attended and it is truly a blessing to see how a community can come out to support one of their own that is in need.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Taylor got little sleep last night. She started the day with little energy but in a good mood. She was visited for her school lesson and then had her usual treatments and therapy in her old room in the ICU unit. Taylor ate very little today and is now back on her feeds through her tube. She is expected to call it an early night tonight.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Taylor was moved back up to the ICU today. This was done to have nurses keep a closer eye on Taylor while they have her off of the pacer. The doctors are giving her a break and allowing her diaphram muscle to rest and hopefully the pacer machine will work again. The doctors are hopeful that it will only take a couple of days until she is back to full time pacing. The move caused some anxiety for Taylor and she was unhappy when she had to put a new trach in. She was able to enjoy a little movie night. Her family brought in a projector and they watched Flicka on the big screen and had popcorn.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Taylor has had a good couple of days. She has continued her schooling in her room. Her breathing is also improving. Although she is still on a ventilator her volumes are getting better. This means that she is getting a bigger breath using the pacer. We hope she continues to improve and will soon be just on the pacer and able to enjoy some of the freedom that she was just getting used to, such as going outside. Once she is able to do that her Grandma will bring her horse down to see her. For the mean time she has gotten a break from the bike and is only working with Occupational Therapy in the afternoon. The bike, like any exercise, was causing her to need a bigger breath and for now the doctors feel that she is better served to take it easy and focus on her breathing.
This Saturday is Taylor's dinner in Gridley. You can find information about the dinner under the "How To Help" tab on Taylor's homepage. Also don't forget the "Day on the Green" concert and BBQ that is next Saturday at the Colusa County Fairgrounds. Taylor and her family greatly appreciate all of the support from everyone involved in these events.
This Saturday is Taylor's dinner in Gridley. You can find information about the dinner under the "How To Help" tab on Taylor's homepage. Also don't forget the "Day on the Green" concert and BBQ that is next Saturday at the Colusa County Fairgrounds. Taylor and her family greatly appreciate all of the support from everyone involved in these events.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. She relaxed in her room and played all day. The doctors still had Taylor on the ventilator all day today. She was able to enjoy having her favorite pasta dish for lunch and dinner. Since she had the day off from school and therapy she was able to enjoy playing on the computer and watching movies with her family.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Taylor had a relaxing day. Today the doctos put her on some muscle relaxers to try to help her lungs expand further and that caused Taylor to sleep most of the day. She did have time to visit with her brother and her cousin that is up visiting from Southern California. The doctors may move her back to the ICU and have her off of the pacer for a couple of days to check the unit. The move back to the ICU would be necessary since the nursing staff up there is better equipped for the ventilator. Taylor enjoyed playing her horse game this evening. She is wanting to ride her horses for real but for the mean time she seems pleased to be able to groom, ride and compete on her computer horses.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Taylor had another day confined to her room. Her teacher came up and gave her lessons in her room. She was unable to leave to ride the bike. Doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong and hope to resolve the issue soon. Taylor has enjoyed playing on her computer and is learning how to control it herself with the help of occupational therapy.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Taylor has had another frustrating day on the ventilator. She is unable to get big enough breaths into her lungs. Doctors still are unable to find a solution. One thing that they are trying is to relax the muscles around the lungs feeling that is what is not allowing the lungs to expand fully. Due to the fact that she is on the ventilator she is not allowed to leave her room. Taylor was not able to ride the bike today because of this. She also missed going to school because she was getting fitted for a new electric wheelchair that she can control with her head. She did not like it and preferred being pushed in the stroller. Taylor has remainded confident that she will ride her horse again and keeps watching "Flicka" and playing the horse game on her computer. She said "They also did not think that she would cough again and now she is doing that on her own".
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Taylor had a good day today. She woke up to a visit from her brother. Later she had her teacher come to her room to give her lessons. She was unable to leave her room because she stayed on the ventilator all day. Her pacer is working but she is not getting the deep breaths that she is comfortable with. The doctors are working to find a solution. They reassured the family that everything is fine and that this is something that they can work out. Taylor skipped the bike today since she was unable to go downstairs. She is working with occupational therapy to get technology to allow her to use a computer on her own. She was in great spirits tonight and is being her usual joking self.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Taylor had a long day today. Last night the doctors tried to stop her sleeping medicine and she did not sleep well last night. Taylor was a trooper and stayed awake through her whole class time. She even did the whole hour on the bike with stimulation. The doctors decided that maybe trying to take her off of the sleeping medicine all at once was to much and now they are going to put her back on it and take her off of it gradually.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Taylor had a frustrating day today. She was on a misting machine to help loosen up the secretions in her lungs so that they could clear her lungs. With the mister on it is hard for Taylor to talk and that frustrated her as well. She had her teacher come to her room for class. They did let her off of the mister to ride her bike. She is able to ride for about an hour on full stimulation. The doctors are cutting back on her meds and are stopping her feeds at night. She is eating enough during the day to avoid the continuous feeds at night through the tube in her stomach.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Taylor had a decent day. She got a visit from on of her best friends today. They played music with Taylor's music teacher and Taylor's brother Tanner was on drums. Taylor thins that her brother is a crazy man on the drums. Taylor was unable to leave her room today due to the fact that her oxygen saturation was low today. She had to be on the ventilator allday. The continued to give Taylor her breathing treatments and that seemed to be unsuccessful. She is disapointed because she hoped to go outside and see her horse Lady tommorrow. Tommorrow she is back to school and on the bike.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Taylor had a relaxing day today. Free of school and the bike. That did not mean that she was off the hook and could just lay around and watch Flicka. She had to do her range of motion exercises in her bed. Later she got to enjoy the beautiful day and go outside with only family for the first time since the accident. She had some issues with her oxygen saturation so she had to come back in early. She is looking forward to seeing some of her horses now that she can go outside. She is eager to see Lady and Blackie, her two favorites. She has continued to stay in great spirits and enjoyed a conversation with her brother this evening.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Taylor had a great day today. She went to school again today and her teachers are now realizing that she way more advanced than they thought she should be. She did a full hour on the bike and still said the stimulation makes her muscles tired. The doctors are reassuring her that sore muscles can be good. She continues to develop more and more feeling throughout her body. Although they say this is not necessarily a indication of regaining use it is still a good sign. So far Taylor has avoided the flu that has gone through the rest of her family. Her brother came down with the flu shortly after visiting her so the nurses have been watching her extra closely for any signs. She was in a great mood today and got a visit from one of her friends. She really enjoys it when they stop by and visit now that she is out of ICU.
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