Sunday, February 18, 2007

Today Taylor started off in a rough mood. That was changed when early this afternoon she got a visit from some friends of hers. Taylor was going out of her room so she got to visit with them. They got to talk and they brought her many nice gifts. That cheered her up. The nursing staff is trying to get Taylor on a strict schedule to limit the interruptions throughout the night and allow her to sleep more peacefully. They are able to eliminate some of her medications and they feel that they have found a solution to help her with her stomach pains. She ended the day talking with her brother on the computer. Her and her brother like blowing each other kisses on the computer video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are very happy to hear that you were able to turn a rough day into a great day, friends always seem to be able to do that. It's great to finally hear that the nurse's are going to allow you to sleep and have found a solution to helping you with your stomach pains. I'm sure that you are just as excited. So we see that you are able to talk on the computer with your brother, I'm sure that you really enjoy that. Blowing kisses over the computer sounds really sweet. Hopefully you will be able to get a great nights sleep, sweet dreams. Lots of love, hugs, and kisses.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- colusa