Monday, February 19, 2007

Taylor had a long day. She continued doing her exercises and was a very good patient for the nurses. She is expected to intensify her rehabilitation exercises. She is still expecting to head to a new room soon. She had a little setback due to an infection that she had. She should be moved soon and is very excited to do so. She has found her appetite and had some In and Out burger, fries and a chocolate shake tonight.


Anonymous said...


I can't wait to see you again. I am glad to hear (or read) that you are doing well from the accident. I read your website almost three times a day. I can't stop thinking what would it be like if you were my own child. Well keep fighting to get well.

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are glad to hear that today was a much better day for you than the last few days. You even ate In and Out buger, I know that always makes my sister feel better. I think you first year at college she feel in love with In and Out burger and since then she goes there ever chance she gets. We hope that tonight will be a very restful night. Sleep tight and sweet dreams. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa