Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Taylor got a good night's sleep again last night. She had gone for trips in her new stroller twice yesterday and managed three trips in it today. One of her trips even included a swing outside. Today the family had a meeting with Taylor's doctors and discussed the pros and cons of the Christopher Reeves rehab facility vs going to Shriners as well as the pros and cons of the phrenic pacer. After weighing all the information the family has decided to stay here in Sacramento and have Taylor transferred to Shriners. She will have the phrenic pacer put in and if she improves enough that she is able to breathe on her own the pacer will simply not be powered. The doctors assured the family that they could pursue aggressive rehab here comparable to what the Christopher Reeves Foundation had to offer. They have also contacted the Philadelphia Shriners, which the doctor at Christopher Reeves is affiliated with, to obtain the bicycle that the Christopher Reeves Foundation uses in their rehab program to make the exercises Taylor will be doing as progressive as what they would have been back in Maryland. Taylor also had a great appetite today downing half of a cheeseburger. She continues to remain in remarkably good spirits, continuing to be the prankster that she has always been.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

Well it seems like for now you will be staying in the Sacramento area. I am glad to hear that you are still keeping your spirits up and trying hard each day to prove all your doctors wrong. I know that you can do it. If you are anything like your uncle Ryan, uncle Cody, and your dad you are surely a tough cookie. Keep working hard and doing all your exercises to help make you stronger. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, & prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa