Sunday, December 2, 2007

Taylor's soar on her back was completely heeled this week. This allowed her to get around much better in her chair. She had a good week at school and is still doing well. This week was short due to parent teacher conferences. Taylor has been doing great in school and got a great report excelling in all areas. She has been using a computer to assist her at school and she is getting much better using it. She also went to the movies this week with her brother and her friend Avery. They say "Fred Claus". She also got a white fish for her room because she has been helping the nurses complete her care with little resistance. She named the fish "Snowflake".

1 comment:

Summer said...

Hello Taylor!

Just thinking about you today. We hope everything is going well for you and that you enjoy your Christmas break. Makenzie sure is excited to have a break. She has already made so many plans. Do you plan to spend more time with your horses or go see family for Christmas? Any good movies out lately?

Did you send out your list to Santa yet? He knows what a good girl you have been this year, and how hard you have worked.

We are really glad that things seem to going better for you. Have a wonderful Christmas Taylor, and keep smiling your beautiful smile.

We send you our hugs and good wishes!

Summer and Makenzie Moore