Thursday, November 22, 2007

Taylor has had a rough week. She has developed a sore on her back. This means that she has to constantly lay on her side to give the sore time to heal. This makes it difficult for her to get around since she should not sit in her chair until the sore heals. She had the whole week off of school and was unable to go enjoy it. The good thing is she did not miss any school because of it. She has been doing very well in school and has been getting 100% on all of her spelling tests. She recently got fitted for her new powerchair. She is getting more used to the idea of using it in the future. She is looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday with her family. She really likes the stuffing. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Hi Taylor!

Makenzie and I want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! And wow! You are a good speller to get 100%. Way to go!
We are sorry that you have developed a sore on your back. I am sure that it is not easy for you to lay on your side so much since you are always on the go. But you are a tough girl, and you have made it through so many tough things. Your back will heal soon enough. I hope your Thanksgiving dinner was good and that you got to eat a lot of pumpkin pie! Next holiday is Christmas! YAY!

Much love,
Summer and Makenzie Moore