Friday, May 4, 2007

Taylor has had a very good couple of days. She has been venturing out of the hospital more in preperation for her return home. She has been visiting friends and family that live around Sacramento. She has enjoyed the freedom from the hospital. She is still doing her exercises in the morning before she goes and she has to be back to the hospital by 8 pm. She continues to get more and more anxous about her return home. She is very excited and does not want to spend any more time in the hospital than she has to. She is excited to see her horses more and get out. Tomorrow she plans to be out as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are very excited to hear that you are able to get out and about more and more. I know that last weekend when I talked with your grandma Judy she was telling me how well you are doing and how much you are on the go. Keep up the great work. So where have some of your trips been lately? Do they have anymore fun trips planned for you like the zoo? We are sure that these trips help make it seem like going home will be very soon. We are very glad to hear that you are still able to keep up with your exercise, we don't want to see you not be able to do those, they are what continue to make you stronger each day. We hope you have a great Saturday and possibly see your horses. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garica-Colusa