Sunday, May 6, 2007

Taylor had a busy day today. She got a day pass to go see her family in Woodland. She was out of the hospital allday. She is very excited to take a trip to her Grandma's and see her horses on the ranch tomorrow. She is excited to see Blackie, Lady and many more. Her brother is going to go with her. The trips out of the hospital are fun, however they make her more eager to go home.


Summer said...

Hi Taylor,

We are so excited for you that you are able to go for trips now. What a nice break from the hospital! I hope you will continue to keep us updated on how you are doing once you are home. Keep up the good work!

Summer and Makenzie Moore

Anonymous said...

Hi Taylor,

Wow, you sure are getting out and about a lot. How fun. Your going to the ranch today I hear. I'm so glad you got to visit with your horses the other day. Sounds like they were very glad to see you and your granola bars! You have been a busy girl lately. Take care and have fun today.

Love, Stacey, Jeromy, Jessica and Katy Sannar

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are so excited to hear about all the trips out of the hospital that you have been able to take lately. We can only imagine how much more it makes you want to be at home. We are very excited for you that you will be able to go to your grandma's tomorrow to see all the horses, we are sure you can't wait. We can't wait to hear all about it. Have a great day and enjoy your visit at your grandma's.
lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa