Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Taylor slept good last night after her exhausting day at the zoo. Today she got outside in her chair. She has been getting tired of just seeing the same block over and over so she went to a new block to see the new scenery. She also spent more time on the bike today. It has done little to help her regain movement but it is helping her keep muscle mass. She spent little time on her new ventilator last night. She did not like it and they decided to try it another day.


Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are glad to hear that you were able to get a great nights sleep after such a busy day. I'm sure you were very excited to be able to take a different route today while outside. I'm sure you could probably do your old route with your eyes closed. We are very excited to hear that you were able to stay on the bike a little longer today, thats great. Keep working really hard on that bike. Hopefully the new ventilator will get easier for you do use on a regular basis. May is almost here so keep working hard on all your therapy. Sweet dreams, lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa

Summer said...

Hi Taylor!

Keep up the good work on the bike! The sun is out shining for you now, so you will be able to really enjoy your adventures out. Makenzie just lost her bottom tooth. Have you lost any yet? Makenzie accidently swallowed hers. Oops! But the tooth fairy believed her about losing a tooth and left her some money under her pillow.

Even though you have never met us, we think about you all the time and we are rooting for your recovery. We think that you are a super strong girl and we send you all of our hugs.

Summer and Makenzie Moore

Anonymous said...

Hi Taylor,

Did you have a great time at the zoo? I took my kids there last summer and they loved it. I wasn't wild about the reptile house, I don't like snakes! ewww. Did you see the ant eater? He was really cool looking. It's been great weather this week have you been getting out and exploring the neighborhood? Keep up your hard work and you'll be home soon.

Stacey, Jeromy, Jessica and Katy Sannar