Saturday, April 14, 2007

Taylor has continued to enjoy more time in her chair. She has gone across the street to a restauraunt to enjoy meals. She goes to the second floor to watch the other kids play. She continues her efforts in school and on the bike. Taylor is eager to go home and is waiting until the first of May when it becomes reality. Her pacer appears to be working well and her oxygen levals have stayed up even when she goes outside. She is hopeful that she will see one of her horses soon. She has started to develop a pressure soar from sitting in the chair so much so for now she will rest in bed a little longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are very excited to hear that you are now able to go across the street to eat and you are out and about much more. I'm sure you are enjoying every minute of it as well. Keep working hard on your exercises and that great positive attitude that you have. There are many angels that are keeping a very close eye on you and making sure everything is ok. Keep up the great work. Sweet dreams, lots of love, hugs, and kisses.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa