Monday, April 23, 2007

Taylor had a great day today. She still had to ride the bike but she also got to go to the zoo. This was her first big trip out of the hospital since the accident. She did very well. She got to see the penguins, giraffe, monkeys, birds, and snakes. She really liked the penguins and giraffes. She later took a nap back at her room because the trip was exhausting. She had very little anxiety for her first trip in an automobile since the accident. Tonight she is switching to a different ventilator than she is used to. This one is more similar to the one she will go home with.


Anonymous said...

Dear Taylor,
How great that you got to go to the zoo! Did you take any pictures that you can post? We hope that you get to enjoy this beautiful Spring weather some more. Have a happy day,
Amanda & Karen Leavitt

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are so happy to hear that you had such a great time at the zoo and you had awesome weather. We are also very surprised that you still found the time and energy to work on the bike as well. Taylor we are so proud of everything that you have accomplished since November, you are such a strong little girl with great determination. We are very proud of you. Keep working hard and set your goals high you can do it. Sweet dreams, lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia

Summer said...

Hi Taylor,

I am so happy that you were able to go to the zoo! Did you say hello to the monkeys for me? I love the pennguines too. I would have taken a nap too after that long day. Whew!
Keep up the good work on your bike! You are like the Enegizer Bunny. You just keep going, and going and going! Pretty soon, you will be going home. Yippee!

Lots of hugs sent your way,

Summer and Makenzie Moore