Monday, March 26, 2007

Taylor finally got to move down to her old room today. I know that that is what an earlier update said. However the doctors changed their mind at the last minute and decided to keep her through the weekend. Taylor was like a yo-yo wondering is she going or staying. She was very glad to get down to her room. The discharge people are working to get Taylor home soon. They think they have secured her nursing care in Chico and are hopeful to have her home in early May. She is going to be able to start getting out of the hospital with her family during the day to go to the zoo or the movies shortly. She is looking forward to her brief furlows with her family. Tomorrow she starts her intense therapy back on the bike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are so excited that they are thinking of moving you back home. I'm sure that you are more that anixous to get home. Things seem to be moving along very well and we are so proud of all the hard work that you continue to do each and every day. I'm sure that you can't wait to begin taking trips with your family outside of the hospitial. Just think before too long you will be able to see your horse again, We know that you have been waiting for that for a very long time. Keep up the great work and remember to kick butt on the bike!!! Have a great day. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- colusa