Sunday, February 4, 2007

Taylor was not having a great day today. She had to do her exercises. She has had a lot of anxiety lately. The doctors are looking to do everything they can to make sure that she reduces her anxiety. Taylor got a visit from her music instructor. She came with a cart full of instruments to play for Taylor. She might have been cranky because she was unable to watch the Super Bowl in her room. She wanted the Colts to win because they were associated with horses and she liked the horseshoe on their helmet. Although she is a Broncos fan the Colts are a close second. Tomorrow the family will meet with her doctors to get an update on Taylor's rehabilitation. Taylor may be able to get a visit from one of her horses in the near future. Taylor got to read the comments from Mrs. Garcia's 6th grade class the other day and she really enjoyed reading them. She also enjoyed finding out that she will have a new baby cousin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are sad to hear that you had such a rough day, but hopefully the Colts winning the superbowl will brighten things up a little. We also know that the doctors will do whatever they can to help you with the anxiety, keep your head up things will workout. We are glad to see that you were able to have a visit from your music teacher, that sounds pretty exciting. My students are always wanting to know how you are doing and I do my best to keep them updated. You are very special to more people than you can ever imagine and We are all here to support you every step of the way. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy hearing from them. Your new baby cousin should be arriving in July until then we'll keep you posted on how things are going. Sweet dreams, relax and enjoy the thought of the Colts winning the superbowl for you. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa