Monday, February 12, 2007

Taylor slept great again tonight. She got out of her room twice today. Her family met with the doctors' and they are still anticipating having her on the exercise bike near February 20th. Taylor is expected to move to her new room on Wednesday. They are waiting on a couple pieces of equipment before her new room is ready. Taylor is now able to talk and see family and friends over the internet with her new computer. Her nurses are sad that she is leaving but they are glad that she is getting better enough to be moved. She has made a lot of friends in the ICU.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hello Taylor-

Yeah!!! We are so glad that you had such a great day and were able to sleep. It sounds like you will be exercising on your new bike before to long. Are you excited? You still haven't moved to your new room I bet you can't wait. Decorating a new room is probably a lot of fun. Have a great day. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia