Monday, January 29, 2007

Taylor was overwhelmed today by the pictures and videos from her benefit roping yesterday. She was amazed to see all of the trailers and people at the arena. She really enjoyed reading the get well wishes that people wrote on the posters. She also enjoyed each gift that she received. Everything about the day brought a smile to her face. Taylor and her family truly appreciate all of the support that was given at her roping. It is inspiring to see the roping community that Taylor loves open their hearts and show how everyone cares for one of their own.

Today Taylor was on the pacer for 14 hours. She slept most of the day. Even though she went to sleep early last night she did not stay asleep long. Today she was able to squeeze in some physical therapy between naps. She continued her stimulation on her arms and legs. Her left shoulder has been showing signs of improvement and has gotten as strong as her right shoulder recently. The stimulation has been working on her legs and the doctors are eager to start Taylor on the bike in the middle of February.


Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

Wow, today it seems that there was lots of encouraging words. We are so glad to hear that you are showing signs of improvement in both you shoulders and your legs. Keep up the great work. I was talking to my dad and he was telling me about the roping, it sounds like it was an outstanding turn out!! Some many people love you and want to help in any way they possibly can. I hope that tomorrow you will be able to get enough energy make it to the playroom, it seems that you really enjoy your time in the playroom. Sweet dreams, sleep tight, and lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayer.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa

Anonymous said...

Howdy Taylor, I haven't been able to write to you for quit a while. My computer has been 'frozen'. What ever that means. Your daddy can explain it to you. All I know is I could push as many buttons as I wanted and NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!
Anyway I just caught up on all the things you have been doing. Im so glad you get to leave your room and see the other children. Must be great to get to see your brother.
I have to tell you Larry and I went to the