Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Taylor had a very busy day today. She did the stimulation with her legs and arms. She went down to the playroom for a little while. She even had her trach changed today to a smaller one. The new trach is easier to clean, smaller and does not rub her chin like the old one. Since she is now on full time pacing they will soon cap the trach and only use it for emergency purposes. Today Taylor also got a visit from the wheelchair place. She got to customize her new stroller wheelchair. It will be Princess Red with a Black back and her name written in Pink. She is very excited. Taylor also got a special visit from Debra one of her favorite nurses from UC Davis. Debra stopped by and visited with Taylor for a while and caught up. Debra was very impressed with the progress that Taylor has made since leaving the medical center. She got an earful now that Taylor is speaking so much better than when she was at UC Davis.


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. It's just a few clicks from my own. Wanted to send out cyber hugs to Taylor. I'm a professional photographer and have a specialty in special needs kids. We photograph kids with trachs, stomas, vents, etc. on a regular basis.

She's a beautiful girl. Sending good thoughts your way for her good health!

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are exhausted just hearing about your busy day, wow. So you were able to pick out and customize your very own chair, it sounds pretty cool. What did you do in the playroom today. I don't know where you find all the energy to fit so much into one day. We are glad to hear that you now have an even smaller trach, which will allow you talk more than ever. Hopefully after such a busy day you will sleep well. Keep up the great work, sleep tight. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa