Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Taylor had a good night. She slept well after the surgery. She is still trying to adjust to the differences in the hospitals. At U.C. Davis she got used to the nurses not bothering her at night. At Shriners she gets woken up every four hours for a breathing treatment. She woke up in a grumpy mood and was not interested in anything that the doctors or nurses had in mind for her. Taylor even turned down a visit from "magic the clown". Later she cruised the internet and her mood changed after listening to some music and playing. She later asked for the clown and finally realized how much pull she has in the hospital when they announced over the loud speaker to have the clown report to Taylor's room. Taylor also got a visit from the hospital teacher who said that she would contact Taylor's teacher in Chico and keep her going with her school work.


Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

You sure are lucky to have the magic clown come to your room. I'm sure that you really enjoyed his visit. I'm glad you were able to sleep well and I know how you feel when you've been woken up, it's not fun but I'm sure the stronger you get the less they will bother you. You'll have to have your dad go online to Colusa County's Farm Bureau website. Have him look up the "Imagine This" writing contest, one of my students won for the state level. I'm sure its a story you would enjoy its titled "A scarecrow's diary". There are also to other winners from Colusa in fact one is my cousin, pretty neat. Well I hope tomorrow is another good day. Lots of Love, hugs, kisses, & prayers.

Love -
Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa

Anonymous said...

Good morning Taylor! Sheridan and I wanted to say hi and let you know that we are thinking about you. I'm excited to come visit sometime and see your new room! Hope to see your smile soon!

Sheridan's daddy :- p

Anonymous said...

Hi Taylor!

You must feel pretty special having your name announced over the loud speaker in the hospital! So, what kind of tricks did Majic the Clown do? I imagine he was pretty entertaining. I am glad to hear that you will be starting up your school work again. Your days are going to be very busy. They will fly by and you will be home in no time. We had a good time visiting with you last weekend and love your new room. I think I might have to get some glow in the dark stars for Tristan's room, just like your room. I want to know more about these cardboard boxes that you are saving after they use the suction. Are you saving what they suction out?! ;) Ya know, it might start to smell funny after a while. We love you, and we are so glad to hear that things are going so well for you. Keep up the good work, proving to everyone how strong you are!

Lots of love,
Auntie Shelley

Anonymous said...

Howdy Taylor,
I've been reading all the exciting things that are going on in your world. I'm so very happy about how well the surgery went. I'm also glad that you are going to be starting your school work again. That will keep you very busy.
We sure enjoyed seeing you last weekend. I really liked the view you have from your BIG window. We'll be down to see you again soon. I can hardly wait to see your own, new, PINK stroller. That will be awsome!!!
TTFN, Larry & Charlene