Thursday, December 28, 2006

Taylor has had a good morning. She has been getting in the chair with her usual reluctance. After the discovery of her ability to do sit ups there has been a new task added to her usual chair routine. She has been doing her sit ups very well. Today the family also learned that her phrenic pacer surgery has been approved to be done at Shriner's hospital. This has been up in the air but now looks to be finalized.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

I am so glad to hear that you are having another great day. Wow, if you keep doing all those sit ups you are going to have ab's of steel. I wish you could do a few extra for me and my ab's would look as good as yours. HAHA!! We are all glad to hear that you liked the movie "Fox and the Hound 2". My mom, dad, & sister were very glad to see you as well. You know that little quilt my mom gave you she made. I know when I am having a bad day I can curl up with a quilt from my mom and it seems to make everything better. I'm sure it will do the same for you, my mom has that special touch. Keep doing those sit ups and enjoying your days with your family and friends. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, & prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa