Thursday, December 14, 2006

Taylor got a great sleep last night. The treatments that were causing Taylor such anxiety are now a breeze since they have prefaced them with a relaxing drug to make them more tolerable. Taylor is getting to see a Family Life counselor and a Physical Therapist everyday now. Taylor's breathing has improved on the ventilator and the machine is not having to work as hard to sustain her breathing. She went for a ride in the chair and got to see the outdoors again.


Kelli said...

Hello Taylor-
I am so glad to hear that the daily routine is getting much easier for you. How was your visit with your friends yesterday. I sure you were extremely excited to be able to open a few Christmas gifts before Christmas is even here. I hope that you are able to get a great nights sleep. I know that my student are wanting to chat with you again, however, they had a lot of work to get done today so I let them know they could chat tomorrow. Lot of Love and prayers.

Love- Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa

Anonymous said...

Howdy Taylor, It's soooo very great that you can shrug your shoulders!! Keep up the good work. I know it's a lot of work but it will be worth it.
You come from a very tuff family and that makes you tuff too. I knew your dad and Uncle Ryan and Uncle Cody when they were growing up and they were and still are pretty hard to keep up with. Your Grandma Judy and Grandpa Doug are tuff too so see, you have to be pretty tuff. Cowgirls are tuff and we rule too :)
Have you gotten any e-mails from Jake? I'm told he sent you one. Do you remember the picture that was taken in the field behind our house last fall? It was you, Jake, Kathryn, Levi, Iain, and Tristan. Well, I am going to have Leah show me how to make that my screen saver.