Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We apolagize for not updating the site more regularly. Life has continued to go on and Taylor has been staying busy. She has been doing well. Taylor continues to worship the sun and has a great summer tan going now. Taylor reluctantly is going to summer school. She has some ground to make up in reading and math. The math has been a challenge due to the fact that she can't use her fingers to count like the other kids. All in all she does very well. She has been spending more time in her electric power chair. She is getting used to the chair and is starting to master it. She is only using it around the house and has not braved using it in public yet. Taylor took another trip on her favorite horse Blackie the other day with her dad on Father's Day. It was a great present. She sat on him and road Blackie around the pasture. Taylor has been able to beat the heat this summer by going to the movies, most recently "Kung Fu Panda", she has also been making crafts for her friends. Her favorite thing to make is necklacies.