Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Taylor had a long day today. Last night the doctors tried to stop her sleeping medicine and she did not sleep well last night. Taylor was a trooper and stayed awake through her whole class time. She even did the whole hour on the bike with stimulation. The doctors decided that maybe trying to take her off of the sleeping medicine all at once was to much and now they are going to put her back on it and take her off of it gradually.


Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

Yes, you are a trooper, Very little sleep and still able to do all your exercises and school, way to go. We are glad to hear that you still had a good day. Were you able to go outside at all today, the weather was very nice. We are looking forward to your fundraiser on the 24th of March. My sister is flying home that weekend so that she can attend as well. Hope you have another great day. Sweet dreams, lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa

Anonymous said...

Hi Taylor,

I am glad to hear that you are being so cooperative, despite the difficulties with your sleeping meds. You are such a little sweetie, taking it all in stride. Keep it up. Goodness does prevail! I hope you got to go outside again today. It has been beautiful the past couple of days. Isn't it wonderful how good the fresh air feels! I hope you have a good day, honny. I might not get to write to you very often, but I do think of you all the time. I hope to see you soon.

Auntie Shelley