Saturday, February 17, 2007

Taylor is still having a battle with being able to get a lot of sleep at night. She falls asleep but then seems unable to stay asleep. She is getting by on an average of about 4 hours sleep at night and only cat naps during the day. Doctors are a little confused with this as she is receiving a sleeping aid. She has also been having a problem with very high temperatures during the night. Her temperature is a little above normal during the day but at night it climbs dangerously high. Doctors are taking x-rays, doing cat scans and doing some blood tests to check for any infections or to try to find what may be causing this. In the meantime, Taylor continues with her therapy daily. She has been able to really gain some strength back in her neck muscles. She went from her head cocked to the left to straight and held up strong in just a couple of days of exercises. She is also feeling some sensations in her fingers. When her fingers are squeezed she can not only tell you she feels the squeeze, she can identify which finger you are squeezing. This has raised everyones hopes and spirits immensely. Taylor continues to remain very positive. She still isn't eating all that well and her tummy bothers her often so she has lots of bothersome discomforts to overcome while waiting and working to get better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

We are so sad to hear that things have been so difficult for you lately. We wish that there was something that the doctors could do to help you at least be able to sleep at night. We know that they are working hard and unfortunatley it takes time. We are sure that have tummy aches, a temperature, and just not feeling good makes it hard to have such a positive outlook but we are so proud that you continue to keep your spirts up and still work hard on your exercies. Keep working hard on your therapy as you can see it is paying off. Hope tonight you are able to keep a better nights sleep. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- colusa