Saturday, February 24, 2007

Taylor had a good day today. The doctors are ordering her to drink more water because it is making it difficult for them to get the secretions out of her lungs without the water. Taylor had the day off from the bike and other exercises but she still had to do her range of motion exercises with her family. She continued the Flicka marathon and enjoyed drawing with her mouthstick and putting stickers on paper. She has made a lot of masterpieces.


Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

Yeah!! We are glad to hear that you were finally able to have a day off, We hope that you enjoyed it. So we hear that you have created some great works of art, I'm sure they are great. Make sure that you drink lots of water it will help you in so many ways and it sounds like it will be much easie on you. We are happy that you were able to enjoy a day of relaxation and fun with your family, hopefully tomorrow will be another great day. Sweet dreams. Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- colusa

Anonymous said...

You go girl! You are awesome. I know that they make you work hard at Shriners, but you are very brave! Lots of love!!