Sunday, January 7, 2007

Taylor was in great spirits today. She continues to be in the best of moods given the situation. All of her new nurses are already very impressed with Taylor. She has continued to get into her chair and sit even though she can't leave her room. Today Taylor got her nails done. She choose a light blue with sparkles for her fingers and toes. She has regained her appetite and had a great lunch of fruit and a cheese quesadilla today. Taylor continued her appetite into the night eating her chicken nuggets. After her dinner she did some shopping online at with a gift card from the Burnett family. Taylor is aware of her surgery tomorrow and is eager to get it over with.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your move to Shriners Hospital was good. It must be nice to have a much bigger room. You must keep busy watching the helicopters coming and going from UC Medical Center. That place is always busy. I think it would be awesome to be able to watch that. Seems like you are handling your chair pretty good. Hopefully before long you will be going all over with it. We are going to mass in the morning to pray that everything will go okay with your surgery. Your guardian angels will always be with you. Waiting for tomorrow to see how you are doing.

Anonymous said...

That anonymous message on Jan. 7, 2007, at 5:21 p.m.was from Boomer and JoAnne. Sorry about that.
Boomer & JoAnne

Anonymous said...

Hello Taylor-

Yeah, I am glad to hear that you finally ate something besides Pizza!!! I as glad that you are still getting into your chair everyday even though you aren't able to go out of your room. That shows the true dedication that you have to proving all the doctors wrong. I'm sure your nails and toes look great and tomorrow all the doctors will get to see those beautiful fingers and toes. We will say a special prayer tonight and tomorrow, however, I know that God will be with you holding your hand every bit of the way. Keep your head up and the awesome attitude and tomorrow will be over with in no time. I look forward to hearing how tomorrow goes. Sleep tight Taylor. Lots of love, kisses, hugs, & prayers.

Andy & Kelli Garcia- Colusa